AMD Virtex™ UltraScale™ Compliancy to 25Gb Copper Interconnect for Data Center

This video showcases the AMD Virtex™ UltraScale™ 30 Gig GTY Transceiver’s compliancy to the most challenging and desired of Data Center Ethernet standards: the 100GBase-CR4 and 100GBase-KR4 electrical standards. As shown, AMD transceivers accomplish this through their superior high speed clocking performance and fully auto-adaptive equalization.

AMD Virtex™ UltraScale™ Product Advantages

AMD Virtex UltraScale devices provide the greatest performance and integration at 20 nm, including serial I/O bandwidth and logic capacity. As the industry’s only high-end FPGA at the 20 nm process node, this family is ideal for applications ranging from 400G networking to large scale ASIC prototyping and emulation.

Programmable System Integration
Increased System Performance
  • Up to two speed-grade improvement with high utilization
  • 30G transceivers for chip-to-chip, chip-to-optics, 28G backplanes
  • 16G backplane capable transceivers at half the power
  • 2400 Mb/s DDR4 for robust operation over varying PVT
BOM Cost Reduction
  • Up to 50% lower cost – half the cost per port for Nx100G systems
  • VCXO and fractional PLL integration reduces clocking component cost
  • 2400 Mb/s DDR4 in a mid-speed grade
Total Power Reduction
  • Up to 40% lower power vs. previous generation
  • Fine granular clock gating with UltraScale devices ASIC-like clocking
  • Enhanced system logic cell packing reduces dynamic power
Accelerated Design Productivity

All comparisons based upon 28 nm Virtex 7 FPGAs.

Product Table

  XCVU065 XCVU080 XCVU095 XCVU125 XCVU160 XCVU190 XCVU440
System Logic Cells (K) 783 975 1,176 1,567 2,027 2,350 5,541
DSP Slices 600 672 768 1,200 1,560 1,800 2,880
Memory (Mb)
44.3 50.0 60.8 88.6 115.2 132.9 88.6
GTH 16.3 Gb/s Transceivers 20 32 32 40 52 60 48
GTY 30.5 Gb/s Transceivers 20 32 32 40 52 60 0
I/O Pins 520 832 832 802

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Virtex UltraScale FPGA VCU110 Development Kit

Virtex UltraScale FPGA VCU110 Development Kit

The Virtex UltraScale FPGA VCU110 Development Kit is the perfect development environment for evaluating the unprecedented levels of performance, system integration and bandwidth provided by Virtex UltraScale devices.

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