Timing - Critical Path
The open_solution target will set the compiler in either vitis mode or vivado mode. This will change the default behavior of the tool. The user is highly recommended to see this behavior ahead.
The below table lists the default behavior of the tool when the target is different.
open_solution -target <vitis/vivado>
Vivado | Vitis | |
set_clock_uncertainty | 27% | 27% |
config_compile -pipeline_loops | 64 | 64 |
config_interface -m_axi_addr64 | true | true |
config_schedule -enable_dsp_full_reg | true | true |
config_compile -name_max_length | 255 | 255 |
config_rtl -module_auto_prefix | true | true |
config_export -vivado_optimization_level | 0 | 0 |
config_export -vivado_phys_opt | none | none |
config_rtl -register_reset_num | 0 | 3 |
interface pragma defaults | ip mode(does not have default interface feature) | kernel mode |
config_interface -m_axi_latency | 0 | 64 |
config_interface -m_axi_alignment_byte_size | 0 | 64 |
config_interface -m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth | 0 | 512 |
config_interface -default_slave_interface | none | slave |