Pipeline Constraint Violation
The tool is informing the user that the design is violating the user-specified constraint.
The II violation message is issued when the tool cannot satisfy the user-specified hard constraint. II violation conceptually occurs because of the hardware dependencies generated by the hls from teh user code when the function/loop is "pipelined with II=1". These dependencies are the same as the processor dependencies as explained in this wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_dependency
These dependencies can be categorized into three sections:
- Memory dependencies
Memory dependencies arise when there is memory port contention. This contention only occurs if the loop is pipelined with II=1 and the number of access per loop iteration > 2. This limitation of memory ports is a hardware limit of a storage resource - BRAM/URAM.
So if the user tries to perform >2 access per loop iteration the tool won't be able to schedule the operations in one cycle. This can be visualized in Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)
Solution: The solution to this is to partition the array with regards to the user code or refactor the array to multiple dimensions.
- Data dependencies
A data dependence is a property of the program, where the current instruction uses the value produced by an earlier instruction. There are 3 main scenarios where these dependencies can arise.
- The current loop iteration uses the value generated by an earlier loop
iteration. and this value takes N cycles to be generated by the
earlier iteration. This prevents the current iteration starting at
the next cycle.
- Here is a snippet of the code which will show the behavior.
- In the below example because of the multiplication of a float variable the loop cannot schedule at II=1.
float a; float b; for(...) { #pragma HLS pipeline II=1 val *= a*b; }
- The current loop iteration uses the value generated by an earlier loop iteration but in infrequent terms. and this value takes N cycles to be generated by the earlier iteration. This prevents the current iteration starting at the next cycle.
The current loop iteration exit condition uses the value generated by an earlier loop iteration. and this value takes N cycles to be generated by the earlier iteration. This prevents the current iteration starting at the next cycle.
The following code snippet shows the behavior.
float a; float b; for(...) { #pragma HLS pipeline II=1 if(val==3.69) break; val *= a*b; }
Solution: These dependencies are visualized in the schedule viewer l to help the user understand. The solution to data dependencies is to break these dependencies in the user code.
- The current loop iteration uses the value generated by an earlier loop
iteration. and this value takes N cycles to be generated by the
earlier iteration. This prevents the current iteration starting at
the next cycle.
- False dependencies
void histogram(int in[INPUT SIZE], int hist[VALUE SIZE]) { int acc = 0; int i, val; int old = in[0]; #pragma HLS DEPENDENCE variable=hist intra RAW false for(i = 0; i < INPUT SIZE; i++) { #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1 val = in[i]; if(old == val) { acc = acc + 1; } else { hist[old] = acc; acc = hist[val] + 1; } old = val; } hist[old] = acc;
For more information about false dependencies, see Removing False Dependencies to Improve Loop Pipelining.