Performance Pragma - 8


WARNING: [HLS 214-351] May not meet performance pragma for loop 'VITIS_LOOP_8_2' in function 'top' due to loop carried dependence on variable 'b_buf' (t.cpp:9:9).


Please resolve the identified loop carried dependency or apply 'dependence inter false' pragma if these are false dependencies that can be ignored.

//////////// ORIGINAL ////////////
void top(int a[1024], int b[10]) {
  int b_buf[10];
  int a_buf[1024];
  memcpy(b_buf, b, sizeof(int) *10);
  memcpy(a_buf, a, sizeof(int) * 1024);
  for (int i = 0;  i < 1024; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
#pragma HLS performance target_ti=100
      b_buf[j%10] += a_buf[i];
  memcpy(b, b_buf, sizeof(int) *10);