AES-GCM: Authenticated Encryption/Description Core

  • Part Number: AES-GCM
  • Vendor: CAST, Inc.
  • Partner Tier: Elite Certified

Product Description

The AES-GCM encryption IP core implements Rijndael encoding and decoding in compliance with the NIST Advanced Encryption Standard. It processes 128-bit blocks, and is programmable for 128-, 192-, and 256-bit key lengths. Two architectural versions are available to suit system requirements. The Standard version (AES32) is more compact, using a 32-bit datapath and requiring 44/52/60 clock cycles for each data block (128/192/256-bit cipher key, respectively). The Fast version (AES128) achieves higher throughput, using a 128-bit datapath and requiring 11/13/15 clock cycles for each data block. GCM stands for Galois Counter. GCM is a generic authenticate-and-encrypt block cipher mode. A Galois Field (GF) multiplier/accumulator is utilized to generate an authentication tag while CTR (Counter) mode is used to encrypt.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Standards: Satisfies Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 197 from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Size: From 778 ALMs to 5,812 ALMs depending on version and target device
  • Configuration: Works with a pre-expended key or can integrate the optional key expansion function
  • Deliverables: include test benches, C model and test vector generator

Featured Documents

Device Implementation Matrix

Device utilization metrics for example implementations of this core. Contact provider for more information.

Family Device Speed Grade Tool Version HW Validated? Slice LUT BRAM DSP48 CMT GTx FMAX (Mhz)
Kintex-UP Family XCKU11P -1 Vivado ML 2023.2 0 967 1 0 0 0 450
KINTEX-U Family XCKU085 -1 Vivado ML 2023.2 0 876 1 0 0 0 275
VERSAL_PRIME Family XCVM2902 -1 Vivado ML 2023.2 170 910 1 0 0 0 350
VIRTEX-7X Family XC7VX330T -3 Vivado 2015.4 343 1062 0 0 0 0 300

IP Quality Metrics

General Information

This Data was Current On Sep 11, 2024
Current IP Revision Number 1.16
Date Current Revision was Released Jun 05, 2023
Release Date of First Version Oct 06, 2001

Production Use by Xilinx Customers

Number of Successful Xilinx Customer Production Projects 18
Can References be Made Available? Y


IP Formats Available for Purchase Netlist, Source Code
Source Code Format(s) VHDL, Verilog
High-Level Model Included? Y
Model Formats C
Integration Testbench Provided Y
Integration Test Bench Format(s) Verilog, VHDL
Code Coverage Report Provided? N
Functional Coverage Report Provided? N
UCFs Provided? UCF
Commercial Evaluation Board Available? N
FPGA Used on Board N/A
Software Drivers Provided? N


Code Optimized for Xilinx? N
Custom FPGA Optimization Techniques None
Synthesis Software Tools Supported/Version Vivado Synthesis; Mentor Precision; Vivado Synthesis
Static Timing Analysis Performed? Y
IP-XACT Metadata Included? N


Is a Document Verification Plan Available? Yes, document only plan
Test Methodology Directed Testing
Assertions N
Coverage Metrics Collected None
Timing Verification Performed? Y
Timing Verification Report Available Y
Simulators Supported Synopsys VCS; Cadence NC-Sim; Mentor ModelSIM; Mentor Questa

Hardware Validation

Validated on FPGA N
Industry Standard Compliance Testing Passed N
Are Test Results Available? N