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    AMD Intellectual Property

Aurora 8B/10B

by: AMD

Aurora is a LogiCORE™ IP designed to enable easy implementation of AMD transceivers while providing a light-weight user interface on top of which designers can build a serial link.

  • Design Tools Support: Vivado Software, ISE Design Suite
  • Bundled With: Vivado Software, ISE Design Suite
  • License: End User License Agreement
  • Device Support: Virtex 7, Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC, Kintex 7, Artix UltraScale+, Kintex UltraScale, Zynq 7000, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, Kintex UltraScale+, Virtex UltraScale+, Virtex UltraScale, Artix 7