Vivado IP Release Notes
This article contains a list of all 'Vivado™ IP Release Notes - All IP Change Log Information' answer records and the associated Vivado Tools release.
by: AMD
AMD provides a Distributed Memory Generator LogiCORE™ to help you build on-chip Distributed Memories with SelectRAM quickly and easily.
The Distributed Memory Generator is provided under the terms of the End User License and is included with ISE™ and Vivado™ design tools at no additional charge.
The Distributed Memory Generator IP core creates a variety of memory structures using Select RAM. It can be used to create Read Only Memory (ROM), single-port Random Access Memory (RAM), and simple dual/Dual port RAM as well as SRL16-based RAM. Flexible feature set allows users to customize for Memory type, Data width, Memory size, Input/Output options and reset options.
Certain AMD technologies may require third-party enablement or activation. Supported features may vary by operating system. Please confirm with system manufacturer for specific features. No technology or product can be completely secure.