The SelectIO Interface Wizard is provided under the terms of the End User License Agreement and is included with ISE™ and Vivado™ software at no additional charge.
AMD provides an easy to use wizard to configure the SelectIO blocks in AMD FPGAs.
The LogiCORE™ IP SelectIO™ Interface Wizard provides an intuitive customization GUI that helps users configure SelectIO blocks on AMD FPGAs to support their design requirements. The wizard generates an HDL wrapper that configures the SelectIO blocks such as IOSERDES and IODELAY and connects them to IO clock primitives in your design. Includes built-in templates to automate configuring of SelectIO to support various standard interfaces (SGMII, DVI, Camera Link, Chip to Chip) and a range of I/O signaling standards (LVCMOSxx, HSTLxx, SSTLxx).