
With their inherent flexibility, AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs are ideal for high-performance or multi-channel digital signal processing (DSP) applications that can take advantage of hardware parallelism. AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs combine this processing bandwidth with comprehensive solutions, including easy-to-use design tools for hardware designers, software developers, and system architects.

Hardware Parallelism

A standard Von Neumann DSP architecture requires 256 cycles to complete a 256-tap FIR filter, while adaptive SoCs and FPGAs can achieve the same result in a single clock cycle.

DSP Diagram

This massive parallelism translates into exceptional levels of DSP performance:

  • 49.5 TeraMACs of fixed-point performance (8-bit)
  • 23.1TeraFLOPs for single-precision floating point

Comprehensive DSP Solutions

AMD DSP solutions include silicon, IP, reference designs, development boards, tools, documentation, and training to enable a wide range of applications in a breadth of markets, including —but not limited to— wireless communications, data center, and aerospace and defense.

Comprehensive Development Flows

Various tool flows are available for different use models and different levels of design abstraction:

Hardware designers can design in:

Software developers accustomed to developing in C/C++ can design using:

System architects can rapidly evaluate new algorithms with:

Choose Your Solution

With AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs, designers can use multiple flows to deploy their DSP applications depending on design approach and level of abstraction.

Based on an ASIC-class architecture, AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs combine multi-hundred giga-bit-per-second I/O bandwidth with over 49 TeraMACs of fixed point DSP performance in the Versal™ Premium series. The AMD DSP slice and its parallelism is key to the achievable DSP performance in the latest generation of AMD FPGAs.

DSP Slice Architecture

The DSP58 in Versal devices slice is the 6th generation of DSP slices in AMD architectures.

This dedicated DSP processing block is implemented in full custom silicon that delivers leading power/performance allowing efficient implementations of popular DSP functions, such as a multiply-accumulator (MACC), multiply-adder (MADD) or complex multiply.

The slice also provides capabilities to perform different kinds of logic operations, such as AND, OR and XOR operations.

The Versal device DSP58 architecture builds on the success of the UltraScale™ FPGA DSP48E2 with further enhancements:

  • Wider multiplier (27 x 24 bits)
  • Single-precision, floating-point multiplier
  • 18x18 complex multiplication using two back-to-back DSPs
  • INT8 vector dot product mode

These enhancements help DSP critical applications perform more computation within the DSP48E2 slice before going into the FPGA fabric, ultimately leading to both resource and power savings.

DSP48E2 (UltraScale) vs DSP58 (Versal) Slice Features

Function UltraScale Versal
DSP Tile/Slice Type DSP48E2 DSP58
Multiple Add/Sub/Acc operations
Multiplier and MACC 27x18 27x24
Squaring:  [(A or B) +/- D]2
WMUX Feedback Ultra Efficient Complex Multiply CMACC 3 x DSP48E2 2 x DSP58
SIMD Support
Integrated Pattern Detect Circuitry
Integrated Logic Unit
Wide Mux Functions 48-bit 58-bit
Wide XOR 96-bit 116-bit
Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier  
Optional 96-bit Output
Cascade Routing
Pipeline Registers
D Pre-adder
Sequential Complex Multiply, AB dyn access
AB Register Pipeline Balancing Improved

Featured Videos:

  1. Utilizing the Squaring MUX in the DSP48E2 slice (Video)
  2. Utilizing the Wide MUX Feedback in the DSP48E2 slice (Video)

Tools and Flows

Depending on your designing preferences, AMD has tools supporting RTL, C/C++ and model-based design entry. This flexibility in the design flow, along with an extensive DSP IP catalog, facilitates easier adoption of AMD tools and devices.

Versal Prime block diagram

Visit Tools, Libraries & Frameworks for more information.

DSP Performance Metrics

The following table shows some of the key DSP performance metrics for 7  Series, UltraScale™ and UltraScale+™ families. For adaptive SoC device performance, see Software Developer section.

  Kintex UltraScale Kintex UltraScale+ Virtex UltraScale Virtex UltraScale+ Versal AI Core Versal AI Edge Versal AI Prime Versal AI Premium
System Logic Elements (K) 318–1,451 356–1,143 783–5,541 862–3,780 540 - 1,968 44 - 1,139 329 - 2,233 833 - 7,352
DSP Slices 768–5,520 1,368–3,528 600–2,880 2,280–12,288 928 - 1,968 90 - 1,312 464 - 3,984 1,140 - 14,352
27x18 Multipliers 768–5,520 1,368–3,528 600–2,880 2,280–12,288 928 - 1,968 90 - 1,312 464 - 3,984 1,140 - 14,352
INT8 GOPs1 1,774–14,315 4,263–11,000 1,554–7,469 7,108–38,318 6,403 - 13,579 62 - 9,052 3,201 - 27,489 7,866 - 99,029
INT16 GOPs 1,014–8,180 2,436–6,286 888–4,268 4,062–21,896 2,134 - 4,526 21 - 3,017 1,067 - 9,163 2,622 - 33,010
Complex INT18 GOPs 676 - 5,453 1,624 - 4,191 592 - 2,845 2708 - 14,597 913 - 1,937 8 - 1,291 456 - 3,920 1,122 - 14,122
Single Precision Floating Point (GFLOPs)2 320–2,685 800–1,673 294–1,411 1,354–7,299 1,494 - 3,168 14 - 2112 747 - 6,414 1,835 - 23,107

We have introduced software development environments and a comprehensive set of familiar and powerful tools, libraries and methodologies which allow software developers to target AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs with ease. With high level abstraction environment Vitis™ unified software platform. We can offer GPU-like and familiar embedded application development and runtime experiences for C, C++ and/or OpenCL development.

AMD MPSoCs and Versal Devices

The Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC and the Versal architecture combine a powerful processing system (PS), incorporating Arm® Cortex® processors, and user-programmable logic (PL), in a single device.

Application Profiling for Acceleration

The Vitis unified software platform provides the ability to profile a given application and allows for the creation of hardware accelerators to run more efficiently in the Programmable Logic (PL), where the flexibility and parallelism of the FPGA are leveraged to provide large performance improvements. This also enables other functions of the application to run in the Processing System (PS) in parallel if desired.

By targeting AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs, many DSP and embedded applications will see improvements in efficiency and reduced power for their applications.

Features and DSP Performance of AMD SoC Devices

The following tables show some of the key features and DSP performance metrics for both AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC families and Versal™ devices. For non-SoC device performance, visit the Hardware Designer section.

Processing System Zynq 7000 SoC Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
Processing Unit (APU)
  • Single/Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore™ up to 1GHz
  • ARMv7-A architecture
  • NEON™ media-processing engine
  • Single and double precision Vector Floating Point Unit (VFPU)
  • Dual/Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 MPCore up to 1.5GHz
  • ARMv8-A Architecture
  • Neon Advanced SIMD media processing engine
  • Single/Double Precision Floating Point Unit (FPU)
Processing Unit (RPU)
  • Dual-core ARM Cortex-R5 MPCore up to 600MHz
  • ARMv7-R Architecture
  • Single/Double Precision Floating Point Unit (FPU)
Multimedia Processing -
  • GPU ARM Mali™-400 MP2 up to 667MHz
    • OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 support
    • OpenVG 1.1 support
  • Video Codec supporting H.264-H.265 (EV devices only)
Dynamic Memory Interface DDR3, DDR3L, DDR2, LPDDR2 DDR4, LPDDR4, DDR3, DDR3L, LPDDR3
High-Speed Peripherals USB 2.0, Gigabit Ethernet, SD/SDIO PCIe® Gen2, USB3.0, SATA 3.1, DisplayPort, Gigabit Ethernet, SD/SDIO
Security RSA, AES, and SHA, ARM TrustZone® RSA, AES, and SHA, ARM TrustZone
Max I/O Pins 128 214


Programmable Logic Zynq 7000 SoC Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
System Logic Elements (K) 23–444 103–1,045
Max Memory (Mb) 1.8–26.5 5.3–70.6
Max I/O Pins 100–362 252–668
DSP Slices 60–2,020 240–3,528
18x18 Multipliers 60–2,020 240–3,528
Fixed Point Performance (GMACs) (1) 42–1,313 213–3,143
Fixed Point Performance For Symmetric Filters (GMACs) (1) (2) 84–2,626 426–6,286
INT8 GOPs (1) (3) 84–2,626 745–11,000
INT16 GOPs (1) 84–2,626 426–6,286
Single Precision Floating Point (GFLOPs) (1) (4) 23–716 142–1,673
Single Precision Floating Point (GFLOPs) (1) (5) 17–537 106–1,571
Half Precision Floating Point (GFLOPs) (1) (6) 34–1,074 212–3,142


  1. All performance calculations based of -2 speed grade parts for Zynq 7000 adaptive SoC and -3 for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
  2. Using the pre-adder DSP performance can be increased 2x for symmetric filters
  3. Please refer to WP486 – Deep Learning with INT8 Optimization on AMD Devices (Not applicable for Zynq devices)
  4. Single Precision Floating Point performance using Floating Point Operator core with 3 DSP slices
  5. Single Precision Floating Point performance using Floating Point Operator core with 4 DSP slices
  6.  Half Precision Floating Point performance using Floating Point Operator core with 2 DSP slices

To learn more about AMD adaptive SoCs and MPSoCs, go to:

DSP in the Processing Subsystem

The Processing System (PS) provides DSP processing capabilities by way of the different ARM processing cores.

For more information on DSP capabilities in the ARM processors, visit:

Some useful examples can be found at the following locations:

For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, see UG1211 for a demonstration of an FFT using the ARM NEON instruction set.

For Zynq 7000 SoC, the following Tech Tips are available on Xilinx wiki when targeting the Cortex-A9 and ARM SIMD:

AMD Data-type Support

AMD has very flexible data-type support in their devices. Varying precisions of Fixed Point, Floating Point and Integer are supported natively in AMD tools with Floating Point being implemented with the aid of the Floating Point Operator IP core.

Floating Point designs implemented on FPGAs will always lead to higher resource and power usage compared to Fixed Point or Integer implementations. Converting to a fixed point solution where possible will bring large benefits:

  • Fewer FPGA resources
  • Lower power
  • Lower cost

For more details on the benefits of converting from floating point to fixed point data types, please read WP491.


The below tables show a small selection of algorithms and possible performance improvements by using an AMD device and in particular the fabric in the programmable logic (PL) to accelerate the design.

Algorithm CPU/GPU Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Advantage
Stereo LocalBM @ 2K ARM: 0.5 FPS/Watt
nVidia: 3.5 FPS/Watt
146 FPS/Watt 292x
Optical Flow
ARM: 0.1 FPS/Watt
nVidia: 0.8 FPS/Watt
7.1 FPS/Watt 9.3x
ARM: 0.1 Imgs/s/w
nVidia: 8.8 Imgs/s/w
53 Imgs/s/w 530x


  1. ARM: Quad-core A53 run on Raspberry Pi @ 1200MHz
  2. Nvidia benchmarks were done using Tegra X1
  3. Optical Flow (LK) – Window Size 11x1
Algorithm CPU/DSP Zynq 7000 Advantage
Forward Projection ARM: 3 sec/view 0.016 sec/view 188x
Motion Detection ARM: 0.7 FPS 67 FPS 90x
Noise Reduction-Sobel ARM: 1 FPS 67 FPS 60x
Canny Edge Detection ARM: 0.66 FPS 40 FPS 45x
3D Image Reconstruction ARM: 75k 8k 9x
DPD ARM: 506 ms 31.3 ms 16x
FIR TI DSP: 64020 ns 1200 ns 53x
FFT TI DSP: 1036 ns 128 ns 8x


  1. Cortex-A9 core used only on the Zynq devices when targeting ARM
  2. TI benchmarks were done using C66 DSP core

AMD high-level design tools like Vitis Model Composer for DSP and High Level Synthesis provide a level of abstraction that empower system architects and domain experts to rapidly evaluate new algorithms and focus on developing the differentiating parts of their design. The complete AMD DSP solution is a combination of these design tools, IP, reference designs, methodologies and boards that work together to get to a working production design in the shortest time possible.

The Vitis Model Composer is a Model-Based design tool that leverages the MATLAB and Simulink environment to define, test and implement production quality DSP algorithms in programmable logic in a fraction of traditional RTL development times.

The tool provides:

  • 100+ optimized DSP blocks, many with C simulation models for 2-3X faster simulation vs RTL
  • Integration of RTL, IP, Simulink, MATLAB and C/C++ components of a DSP system
  • Bit and cycle accurate floating and fixed-point simulations
  • Hardware co-simulation to accelerate simulation and validate algorithm on working hardware
  • Automatic code generation from Simulink to packaged IP or low-level HDL
  • Automatic generation of HDL test bench, including test vectors

Learn more about Vivado System Generator for DSP:

High Level Synthesis

High-Level Synthesis, include Vitis unified software platform, enables portable C, C++ and System C algorithm specifications to be directly targeted into AMD FPGA & Adaptive SoCs without the need to create RTL. Just as there are compilers from C/C++ to different processor architectures, the HLS compiler provides the same functionality from C/C++ to AMD FPGA & Adaptive SoCs.

Learn more about Vivado High Level Synthesis:

Tools & Ecosystem

AMD provides best-in-class tools to enable Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications to be implemented efficiently and at low power on AMD adaptive SoCs and FPGAs. Whether you are designing with RTL, C/C++/SystemC, or Matlab/Simulink, the AMD tools below can easily facilitate your DSP design and reduce your time-to-market.

Libraries and Frameworks

AMD offers a range of libraries that are optimized for performance, resource utilization and ease of use.

Libraries & Frameworks Description
GitHub Repositories AMD has created GitHub repositories, which contain useful examples for many applications including DSP-related functions.


Vitis Model Composer

Vitis Acceleration

Vitis Accelerated Libraries AMD has created an extensive set of open-source, performance-optimized libraries that offer out-of-the-box acceleration with minimal to zero-code changes to your existing applications. Vitis Libraries

Partners, Boards & Kits

AMD and its partners work together to produce tools and boards to ease the adoption of AMD FPGAs and SoCs for DSP applications across many market segments. 

Partner Description Solution
Avnet DSP-Centric Development Kits and Modules

MathWorks and leading high-speed analog supplier Avnet offer, DSP-centric development kits and production-ready system-on-modules (SOM) for embedded vision, software-defined radio, and high-performance motor control.

Mathworks Computing Software

Mathworks MATLAB® and Simulink® can reduce adaptive SoCs and FPGA system development time significantly by enabling users to:

  • Create complex signal and image processing, communications, and control algorithms
  • Validate system requirements early in the development process
  • Generate and verify HDL and C code targeting AMD FPGA and SoC
Analog Devices Add-On Boards

The AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ FMC board is a self-contained data acquisition and signal synthesis prototyping platform supporting ease of use operation enabling quicker end-system signal processing development.

  • AD9680 features a 14-bit, 1.0 GSPS, JESD204B ADC
  • AD9144 features a quad, 16-bit, 2.8 GSPS, JESD204B DAC
  • AD9523-1 is driven by a 14-output, 1 GHz clock
Analog Devices


Multi-Channel Fractional SRC Filter in HLS

This application note focuses on the design of a multi-channel fractional sample rate conversion (SRC) filter using the Vivado tool, which takes the source code in C++ programming language and generates highly efficient synthesizable Verilog or VHDL code for FPGA.

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  1. Please refer to WP486 – Deep Learning with INT8 Optimization on AMD Devices
  2. Single Precision Floating Point performance using Floating Point Operator core with 3 DSP slices in Ultrascale+