Secure-IC SAS

  • Partner Tier: Select Certified
  • Program Member Since: 2022
  • Certified Engineers: 3
    • Mont-Saint-Guibert, BE (Branch Office)
    • Shanghai, CN (Branch Office)
    • Cesson-Sevigne, FR (Headquarters)
    • Paris, FR (Branch Office)
    • Singapore, SG (Branch Office)
    • San Francisco, CA, US (Sales Office)
    • Tokyo, JP (Branch Office)
    • Ahl Angad Oujda, MA (Sales Office)

Partner Information

With presence and customers across 5 continents, Secure-IC is the rising leader and the only global provider of end-to-end cybersecurity solutions for embedded systems and connected objects. Driven by a unique approach called PESC (Protect, Evaluate, Service & Certify), Secure-IC positions itself as a partner to support its clients throughout and beyond the IC design process. Relying on innovation and research activities, Secure-IC provides Silicon-proven and cutting-edge protection technologies, integrated Secure Elements and security evaluation platforms to reach compliance with the highest level of certification for different markets (such as automotive, AIoT, defense, payments & transactions, memory & storage, server & cloud).


  • Embedded Products
  • IP Cores

Markets Supported

  • Audio Video and Broadcast
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Data Center
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Wired Communications
  • Wireless Communications