AI Engine API User Guide (AIE) 2022.2
aie::detail::fft_dit< Vectorization, 0, 5, cint16, cint32 >::stage_iterator Class Reference

#include <fft_dit_acc48.hpp>

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag
using reference = value_type
using value_type = input_data

Public Member Functions

 stage_iterator (const cint16 *FFT_RESTRICT ptr, const cint16 *FFT_RESTRICT ptw1, const cint16 *FFT_RESTRICT ptw2, const cint16 *FFT_RESTRICT ptw3, const cint16 *FFT_RESTRICT ptw4, unsigned r)
reference operator* () const
stage_iteratoroperator++ ()
stage_iterator operator++ (int)

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