AI Engine API User Guide (AIE) 2022.2
Vector and Accumulator Conversions


Vectors can be reinterpreted as vectors with a different element type, as long as they have the same total size.

v2 = v.cast_to<int32>(v);
v3 = aie::vector_cast<cint16>(v);
Definition: aie_declaration.hpp:68
int32_t int32
Definition: types.hpp:64

Vectors can be converted into accumulators. Their values can be shifted into a larger magnitude to implement fixed point precision schemes (this does not apply to floating point accumulators).

acc.from_vector(v, shift);
shift_bits< T, type_bits_v< T >, Elems > shift
Definition: shift.hpp:119
Definition: aie_declaration.hpp:71

Conversely, accumulators can be converted into vectors. Their values can be shifted down before rounding and saturation is applied (this does not apply to floating point accumulators).

v = acc.to_vector<int16>(shift);
int16_t int16
Definition: types.hpp:63


template<AccumElemBaseType AccumTag, VectorOrOp Vec>
accum< AccumTag, Vec::size()> aie::from_vector (const Vec &v, const int shift=0)
template<VectorOrOp Vec, typename T2 = Utils::get_prev_integer_type_t<typename Vec::value_type>>
auto aie::pack (const Vec &v) -> vector< T2, Vec::size()>
template<typename TR , typename T >
vector< TR, T::size()> aie::to_vector (const T &acc, const int shift=0)
template<VectorOrOp Vec, typename T2 = Utils::get_next_integer_type_t<typename Vec::value_type>>
auto aie::unpack (const Vec &v) -> vector< T2, Vec::size()>
template<ElemBaseType DstT, Vector Vec>
auto aie::vector_cast (const Vec &v)

Function Documentation

◆ from_vector()

template<AccumElemBaseType AccumTag, VectorOrOp Vec>
accum<AccumTag, Vec::size()> aie::from_vector ( const Vec &  v,
const int  shift = 0 

Returns the values of the passed vector in an accumulator of the requested type after applying the requested upshift operation.

vInput vector. The type must meet VectorOrOp.
shiftOptional upshift in bits to be applied to output accumulator. This parameter is ignored for floating-point types.
Template Parameters
AccumTagAccumulator tag that specifies returned accumulator type. The class must be compatible with the vector type (real/complex).

◆ pack()

template<VectorOrOp Vec, typename T2 = Utils::get_prev_integer_type_t<typename Vec::value_type>>
auto aie::pack ( const Vec &  v) -> vector<T2, Vec::size()>

Returns a conversion of the passed vector to the next smaller integer datatype, with the same number of elements.

vInput vector. The type must meet VectorOrOp
Template Parameters
T2Element type for the returned vector. Can only select between int8/uint8 on AIE1.

◆ to_vector()

template<typename TR , typename T >
vector<TR, T::size()> aie::to_vector ( const T &  acc,
const int  shift = 0 

Returns the values of the passed accumulator in a vector of the requested type. The values can be shifted down before rounding and saturation are applied (does not apply to floating point accumulators).

accInput accumulator. The type must meet AccumOrOp or MmulOrOp.
shiftOptional downshift in bits to be applied to output data. This parameter is ignored for floating-point types.
Template Parameters
TRElement type for the returned vector.

◆ unpack()

template<VectorOrOp Vec, typename T2 = Utils::get_next_integer_type_t<typename Vec::value_type>>
auto aie::unpack ( const Vec &  v) -> vector<T2, Vec::size()>

Returns a conversion of the passed vector to the next larger integer datatype, with the same number of elements.

vInput vector. The type must meet VectorOrOp

◆ vector_cast()

template<ElemBaseType DstT, Vector Vec>
auto aie::vector_cast ( const Vec &  v)

Reinterpret a vector using a different element type. The returned vector has the same size in bits as the input vector.

Template Parameters
DstTElement type for the returned vector.
vInput vector.