AI Engine API User Guide (AIE) 2022.2


Operations to initialize vectors and accumulators.


template<Elem E, unsigned Elems = native_vector_length_v<E>>
vector< operand_base_type_t< E >, Elems > aie::broadcast (E a)
template<Accum Acc, Accum... Accums>
auto aie::concat (const Acc &acc, const Accums &...accums) -> accum< typename Acc::value_type, Acc::size() *(1+sizeof...(Accums))>
template<Vector Vec, Vector... Vectors>
auto aie::concat (const Vec &v, const Vectors &...vectors) -> vector< typename Vec::value_type, Vec::size() *(1+sizeof...(Vectors))>
template<ElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems = native_vector_length_v<T>>
vector< T, Elems > aie::zeros ()

Function Documentation

◆ broadcast()

template<Elem E, unsigned Elems = native_vector_length_v<E>>
vector<operand_base_type_t<E>, Elems> aie::broadcast ( a)

Returns a vector whose elements are initialized to the given value.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
out[i] = a;
Template Parameters
E.Element type of the returned vector.
Elems.Size of the vector.
aValue. The type must meet Elem.

◆ concat() [1/2]

template<Accum Acc, Accum... Accums>
auto aie::concat ( const Acc &  acc,
const Accums &...  accums 
) -> accum<typename Acc::value_type, Acc::size() * (1 + sizeof...(Accums))>

Concatenate the contents of all input accumulators into a larger accumulator. All input accumulators must have the same type and size.

accFirst input accumulator.
accumsRest of input accumulators.

◆ concat() [2/2]

template<Vector Vec, Vector... Vectors>
auto aie::concat ( const Vec &  v,
const Vectors &...  vectors 
) -> vector<typename Vec::value_type, Vec::size() * (1 + sizeof...(Vectors))>

Concatenate the contents of all input vectors into a larger vector. All input vectors must have the same type and size.

vFirst input vector.
vectorsRest of input vectors.

◆ zeros()

template<ElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems = native_vector_length_v<T>>
vector<T, Elems> aie::zeros ( )

Returns a vector whose elements are initialized to zero.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
out[i] = 0;
Template Parameters
E.Element type of the returned vector.
Elems.Size of the vector.