AI Engine API User Guide (AIE-API) 2024.2
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concepts.hpp File Reference

Detailed Description

Concepts exposed to users.

#include "detail/config.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"


struct  aie::is_elem< T >


namespace  aie
 Base namespace for AIE operations and types.


concept  aie::ElemBaseType
 Concept for all the basic types that can be used in operations and as vector element type.
concept  aie::Elem
 Concept for element operands.
concept  aie::ComplexElem
 Concept similar to aie::Elem, but it only accepts complex types.
concept  aie::RealElem
 Concept similar to aie::Elem, but it only accepts real (i.e.
concept  aie::ElemOrOp
 Concept that allows aie::Elem or an element operation modifier.
concept  aie::Vector
 Concept for vector types.
concept  aie::ComplexVector
 Similar to aie::Vector, but it only accepts vectors with complex element types.
concept  aie::RealVector
 Similar to aie::Vector, but it only accepts vectors with real element types.
concept  aie::VectorOrOp
 Concept that allows aie::Vector or a vector operation modifier.
concept  aie::SparseVector
 Concept for vector types.
concept  aie::SparseVectorOrOp
 Concept that allows aie::SparseVector or a vector operation modifier.
concept  aie::Accum
 Concept for accumulator types.
concept  aie::AccumOrOp
 Concept that allows aie::Accum or an accumulator operation modifier.
concept  aie::Mask
 Concept for mask types.
concept  aie::DecoratedElemBaseType
 Concept for the pointers to basic types that can be used in operations and as vector element type.
concept  aie::AccumElemBaseType
 Concept for the supported accumulator element types.
concept  aie::NativeVectorType
concept  aie::NativeAccumType
concept  aie::ArithmeticType
concept  aie::PackableFrom
 The concept PackableFrom is satisfied when all the following requirements are met:
concept  aie::UnpackableFrom
 The concept UnpackableFrom is satisfied when all the following requirements are met:




template<typename T >
using aie::operand_base_type_t = typename operand_base_type< typename detail::utils::remove_all< T >::type >::type


template<typename T , typename T2 >
static constexpr bool aie::is_valid_mul_op_v = is_valid_mul_op<T, T2>::value()

Macro Definition Documentation