AI Engine API User Guide (AIE-API) 2024.2
No Matches


Each AIE core has access to up to 4 Data Memories (DM).

Global variables, graph communication buffers (such as windows), and the stack are placed by the linker on these memories.

The AIE API provides a number of functions and types that allow applications to efficiently read and write vector data stored on DM.

Data Loading And Vector Alignment

Applications can load from DM into vector registers and store the contents of vector registers into DM. Memory instructions in the AIE that operate on vectors have alignment requirements as summarised in vector alignment requirements table.

Required pointer alignment for a given memory access size
Arch. 128b access 256b access
AIE 128b
128b 256b

Therefore, functions are provided for both aligned and unaligned accesses. Aligned accesses are done using the aie::load_v and aie::store_v functions. Performing memory accesses to unaligned pointers using these functions is undefined behaviour. The following code block shows example usages of the aligned access functions:

template <typename T>
T* aligned_memcpy(T* __restrict dest, const T* src, unsigned n)
// 256b vectors are used in this example
static constexpr unsigned Bits = 256;
static constexpr unsigned Lanes = Bits / type_bits_v<T>;
T* p = dest;
// Assume n is divisible by Lanes
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n / Lanes; ++i)
aie::vector<T, Lanes> v = aie::load_v<Lanes>(src);
aie::store_v(p, v);
src += Lanes;
p += Lanes;
return dest;
Type for vector registers.
Definition vector.hpp:78
T1 * store_v(T1 *ptr, const vector< T2, Elems > &v)
Store a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
Definition aie.hpp:744

while unaligned accesses are performed using aie::load_unaligned_v and aie::store_unaligned_v functions. These unaligned access functions are demostrated below.

template <typename T>
T* unaligned_memcpy(T* __restrict dest, const T* src, unsigned n, unsigned dest_align = 1, unsigned src_align = 1)
// dest_align, src_align indicate to how many elements their respective pointers are aligned
// 256b vectors are used in this example
static constexpr unsigned Bits = 256;
static constexpr unsigned Lanes = Bits / type_bits_v<T>;
T* p = dest;
// Assume n is divisible by Lanes
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n / Lanes; ++i)
aie::vector<T, Lanes> v = aie::load_unaligned_v<Lanes>(src, src_align);
aie::store_unaligned_v(p, v, dest_align);
src += Lanes;
p += Lanes;
return dest;
T1 * store_unaligned_v(T1 *ptr, const vector< T2, Elems > &v, unsigned aligned_elems=1)
Store a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
Definition aie.hpp:768

Unaligned accesses may incur additional overhead depending on the amount of misalignment.

Users can ensure that buffers are aligned using standard C/C++ facilities such as alignas. The API provides a global constant value (aie::vector_decl_align) that can be used to align the buffer to a boundary that works for any vector size.

alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static int16 my_buffer[BUFFER_COUNT];
static constexpr unsigned vector_decl_align
Specifies the minimum alignment requirement for vector loads and stores.
Definition aie.hpp:556
int16_t int16
Definition types.hpp:21

Additional helper functions, aie::load_floor_v, are available that will perform a load at the requested alignment from the given address:

alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static int16 data[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
int16 *ptr = &data[3];
aie::print(v, true); // Prints 0 1 2 ... 13 14 15
auto load_floor_v(const T *ptr, unsigned n=Elems) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, Elems >
Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
Definition aie.hpp:720
void print(const C &c, bool nl=false, const char *prefix=nullptr)
Displays the contents of a vector or an accumulator.
Definition utils.hpp:266

Memory bank conflicts

AIE cores are able to perform several vector load/store operations per instruction. However, in order for them to be executed in parallel, they must target different memory banks. aiecompiler will try to evenly distribute buffers from communication primitives, and users can manually place buffers on specific banks by specifying the address range in the linker script file.

In general the compiler will try to schedule many accesses in the same instruction when possible. However, in scenarios in which this would translate into bank conflicts, this behavior might not be desirable. The compiler provides type annotations to associate memory accesses to virtual resources. Accesses using types that are associated to the same virtual resource will not be scheduled in the same instruction.

void fn(int __aie_dm_resource_a * A,
int * B,
int __aie_dm_resource_a * C)
aie::vector<int, 8> v1 = aie::load_v<8>(A); // Access from A and C are bound to the same virtual resource so they
aie::vector<int, 8> v2 = aie::load_v<8>(B); // are never scheduled on the same instruction. B is not annotated so
aie::vector<int, 8> v3 = aie::load_v<8>(C); // its memory accesses can be scheduled in the same instruction with
// accesses to A or C.

Also, most memory access functions in the AIE API accept an enum value from aie_dm_resource that can be used to bind individual accesses to a virtual resource.

void fn(int __aie_dm_resource_a * A,
int * B)
aie::vector<int, 8> v1 = aie::load_v<8>(A);
aie::vector<int, 8> v2 = aie::load_v<8>(B); // This access can be scheduled on the same instruction as the access
// to A since B is not annotated.
aie::vector<int, 8> v3 = aie::load_v<8, aie_dm_resource::a>(B); // This specific access to B is annotated with
// the same virtual resource as A, so they cannot
// be scheduled on the same instruction.


The AIE API provides two kinds of iterators that map semantically to the C++ standard library's LegacyForwardIterator and LegacyRandomAccessIterator. The functionality exposed by these iterators are shown in the table below:

Iterator Kinds
Type Operation Code Example
Forward Iterator Dereference *it
Equality/Inequality it1 == it2 / it1 != it2
Pre/post-increment ++it / it++
Random Access Iterator Pre/post-decrement --it / it--
Arbitrary increment/decrement it += offset / it -= offset
Random Access it[offset]

Note that the forward iterator is a subset of the random access iterator meaning that all operations implemeneted for forward iterators are also implemented for random access iterators. With these iterators defined, the types of iterators offered by the AIE API are outlined below with the iterator kind expressing the operators defined for each iterator:

AIE API Iterator Types
Type Constructor Iterator Kind
Scalar Basic aie::begin Forward Iterator
Circular aie::begin_circular Forward Iterator
Random Circular aie::begin_random_circular Random Access Iterator
Pattern aie::begin_pattern Forward Iterator
Vector Basic aie::begin_vector Random Access Iterator
Circular aie::begin_vector_circular Forward Iterator
Random Circular aie::begin_vector_random_circular Random Access Iterator
Restrict aie::begin_restrict_vector Random Access Iterator
Unaligned aie::begin_unaligned_vector Forward Iterator

All iterators also have const alternatives, which follow the naming convention laid out by the C++ standard library i.e. the const version of an iterator created with aie::begin_vector_circular can be created with aie::cbegin_vector_circular.

Buffer Streams

In cases where iterators are inappropriate due to either semantic or performance issues, buffer streams are provided. Buffer streams do not conform to an iterator interface but rather a stream interface, similar to iostreams, which implies that a read or write operation will advance the stream, altering its state.

If the type name contains input or output the stream will only support reading or writing respectively.
AIE API Stream Operations
Operation Stream operator Member function
Read operator>>(value_type&) value_type pop()
Write operator<<(value_type&) value_type push()

Tensor Buffer Streams

Tensor buffer streams are an abtraction provided by the AIE API to handle multi-dimensional addressing.

Multi-dimensional addressing was introduced on AIE-ML/XDNA 1.

Tensor Descriptor

An aie::tensor_descriptor object serves as a mapping from a multidimensional tensor to a 1-D memory space. A tensor descriptor is constructed from an element type, the number of elements that make up a vector block within the tensor, and a list of aie::tensor_dim objects, which are pairs of size-step pairs that describe each dimension of the tensor.

The following illustration shows how a 3-D volume can be described. Here the element type is int8, and the number of elements per block is 32, resulting in segments of the tensor being aie::vector<int8, 32>. The size of each dimension is given in the first paremeter of each aie::tensor_dim, while the size of the increment required to take a step in each dimension given as the second parameter. Note that this example assumes that the data is laid out in row-major order. This tensor representation allows a subvolume of the tensor to be iterated over a number of times by adding an additional aie::tensor_dim with step set to zero snd the size set to the desired number of iterations. See Tensor Buffer Stream Composition for an example.

Such a tensor descriptor may be used to construct a tensor buffer stream as shown below. The returned stream serializes the accesses to the buffer as it is read, which is also illustraded below.

alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static int16 buff[256];
std::iota(buff, buff + 256, 0);
auto desc = aie::make_tensor_descriptor<int16, 32>(
aie::tensor_dim(2u, 1));
auto tbs = aie::make_tensor_buffer_stream(ptr, desc);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
tbs >> v;
// Alternatively:
// auto v = tbs.pop(); // will deduce the vector type from the tensor descriptor
printf("%d: {%d, ..., %d\n}", i, v.get(0), v.get(31));
// Prints:
// 0: {0, ..., 31}
// 1: {32, ..., 63}
// 2: {64, ..., 95}
// 3: {96, ..., 127}
// 4: {128, ..., 159}
// 5: {160, ..., 191}
// 6: {192, ..., 223}
// 7: {224, ..., 255}
value_type get(unsigned idx) const
Returns the value of the element on the given index.
Definition vector.hpp:282
constexpr auto make_tensor_buffer_stream(T *base, const TensorDescriptor &tensor_desc)
Definition aie.hpp:6677
Definition aie.hpp:6484

Tensor Buffer Stream Composition

Tensor descriptors and associated buffer streams are composible to arbitrary dimensions; however, the underlying mechanisms on which the abstractions are built upon in AIE-ML/XDNA 1 are three-dimensional. To overcome this, the tensor buffer streams are defined recursively, decomposing an N-dimensional tensor into (N-1)/3 nested streams, with a final N%3 leaf stream. To access an inner stream, the containing outer stream must be read with a .pop() call, which will advance the outer stream and return the inner stream. This recursive definition is illustrated below with a corresponding code snippet:

auto desc = aie::make_tensor_descriptor<int16, 32>(
aie::tensor_dim(4u, 1));
auto tbs = aie::make_tensor_buffer_stream(ptr, desc);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2*2*6; ++i) {
auto tsb_inner = tbs.pop(); // Advance outer stream and return inner stream
tbs_inner >> a >> b >> c >> d;

For a practical example, see GEMM leveraging multidimensional addressing.

Tensor Descriptor from Native Types

In the case that the automatic decomposition described in Tensor Buffer Stream Composition is not desired, it is possible to manually decompose the tensor using native integer, aie::dim_2d, and aie::dim_3d descriptions of the increments to be carried out. The arguments to aie::dim_2d and aie::dim_3d differ from the aie::tensor_dim description as the num values represent the number of increments to carry out rather than the dimension size, and the increment at each dimension assumes that all previous increments have already been carried out.

aie::make_tensor_descriptor<int16, 32>(
aie::tensor_dim(2u, 1));
// Is equivalent to:
aie::make_tensor_descriptor_from_native<int16, 32>(
aie::dim_3d(1u, 1, // num1, inc1
1u, 1, // num2, inc2
1)); // inc3
detail::dim_3d dim_3d
Definition aie.hpp:6478

As with the aie::tensor_dim description, dimensions can be composed arbitrarily using int, aie::dim_2d, and aie::dim_3d increments:

// 6-D tensor decription
aie::make_tensor_descriptor_from_native<int16, 32>(
aie::dim_3d(1u, 1, // num1, inc1
1u, 1, // num2, inc2
1), // inc3
aie::dim_2d(3u, 4, // num1, inc1
4)); // inc2
detail::dim_2d dim_2d
Definition aie.hpp:6477

The exact increment values may also be set using aie::make_tensor_descriptor_from_native_bytes.

Sparse Vector Input Buffer Streams

A buffer with appropriately prepared sparse data can be read using aie::sparse_vector_input_buffer_stream.

vbs >> a; // 1. Single read.
vbs >> b >> c; // 2. Multiple reads.
auto d = vbs.pop(); // 3. Identical to 1. but type of d is deduced to be aie::sparse_vector<int8, 128> from
// the buffer stream declaration.
// This is useful as `d` does not need to be declared ahead of time.
Type for sparse vector registers.
Definition sparse_vector.hpp:85
Implements an input stream that reads sparse vectors from a memory buffer.
Definition iterator.hpp:1510

Sparse Data Format

The supported sparse data layout requires a minimum of 50% sparsity. Specifically, two zero values within each group of four consecutive values. This 50% is a lower bound on the sparsity, meaning that further compression is possible if more zeroes are present. Loading sparse data from memory will interpret the first 64 bits as a mask. If a mask bit is not set, then 8 bits will be initialised to zero at its corresponding position. If the bit is set, then the 8 bits will be loading from the incompressible data that follows the mask. Hence, masks describe the layout of 512 bit after decompression.

Each mask must be aligned to a 32b boundary. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the sparse data being parsed incorrectly.

When loading sparse data, a partial decompression is carried out to reconstruct the data such that a 64b mask is paired with 256b partially decompressed data. This partial decompression is carried out as described in the following table. Note that 4 bits of the mask are used to represent two elements of the partially decompressed data.

Sparse partial decompression
Mask bits Partially decompressed data
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 A
0 0 1 0 0 B
0 0 1 1 B A
0 1 0 0 C 0
0 1 0 1 C A
0 1 1 0 C B
1 0 0 0 D 0
1 0 0 1 D A
1 0 1 0 D B
1 1 0 0 D C

The following example demonstrates how a 128 element sparse vector is read from memory. It requires two sets of sparse data, each comprised of a 64b mask and the associated data.

constexpr unsigned N = 512;
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static int8 data[N];
void func() {
// Example setup of sparse buffer
// mask:
data[1] = 0b0000'0000; data[0] = 0b0000'0011;
data[3] = 0b0000'0000; data[2] = 0b0001'0000;
data[5] = 0b0000'0000; data[4] = 0b0000'0000;
data[7] = 0b0000'0000; data[6] = 0b0000'0000;
// data:
data[8] = 1; data[9] = 2; data[10] = 3; data[11] = 0;
// Note: data[11] is still considered as data for the previous group to ensure
// correct alignment of the next group's mask
// mask:
data[13] = 0b0000'0001; data[12] = 0b0001'0001;
data[15] = 0b0000'0000; data[14] = 0b0000'0000;
data[17] = 0b0000'0000; data[16] = 0b0000'0000;
data[19] = 0b1000'0000; data[18] = 0b0000'0000;
// data:
data[20] = 4; data[21] = 5; data[22] = 6; data[23] = 7;
int8_t int8
Definition types.hpp:20

For a more comprehensive sparse matrix multiplication example, see Supported Sparse Matrix Multiplication Modes.


class  aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >
 Implements an iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end of the buffer and, thus, has no end. More...
class  aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >
 Implements an iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end or the beginning of the buffer and, thus, has no end. More...
class  aie::sparse_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an input stream that reads sparse vectors from a memory buffer. More...
class  aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an input stream that reads from a memory buffer with vector granularity. More...
class  aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an iterator that traverses an array using vectors instead of scalar values. More...
class  aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an output stream that writes into a memory buffer with vector granularity. More...
class  aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >
 Implements a vector iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end of the buffer and, thus, has no end. More...
class  aie::vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an input stream that reads from a memory buffer with vector granularity. More...
class  aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an iterator that traverses an array using vectors instead of scalar values. More...
class  aie::vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >
 Implements an output stream that writes into a memory buffer with vector granularity. More...
class  aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >
 Implements a vector iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end or the beginning of the buffer and, thus, has no end. More...


template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_circular_iterator = circular_iterator< const T, Size, Resource >
 Same as circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.
template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_random_circular_iterator = random_circular_iterator< const T, Size, Resource >
 Same as random_circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.
template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_unaligned_vector_iterator = unaligned_vector_iterator< const std::remove_const_t< T >, Elems, Resource >
 Same as unaligned_vector_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.
template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_vector_circular_iterator = vector_circular_iterator< const T, Elems, Size, Resource >
 Same as circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.
template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_vector_iterator = vector_iterator< const std::remove_const_t< T >, Elems, Resource >
 Same as vector_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.
template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_vector_random_circular_iterator = vector_random_circular_iterator< const T, Elems, Size, Resource >
 Same as vector_random_circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.


template<aie_dm_resource Resource, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::begin (T *base, size_t n)
 Returns an iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , unsigned Elems>
constexpr auto aie::begin (T(&base)[Elems])
 Returns an iterator for the given statically-sized array.
template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_circular (T *base)
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_circular (T *base, size_t n)
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_circular (T(&base)[Elems])
 Returns a circular iterator for the given statically-sized array.
template<unsigned Steps, typename T , typename... Offsets>
constexpr auto aie::begin_pattern (T *base, Offsets &&... offsets)
 Returns a forward iterator for the array described by the given address.
template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_random_circular (T *base)
 Returns a random-access circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr random_circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_random_circular (T *base, size_t n)
 Returns a random-access circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_random_circular (T(&base)[Elems])
 Returns a random-access circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_restrict_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_restrict_vector (const T *base)
 Same as begin_vector, but the given pointer is considered restrict.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr restrict_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_restrict_vector (T *base)
 Same as begin_vector, but the given pointer is considered restrict.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_unaligned_vector (T *base)
 Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_vector (const T *base)
 Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_vector (T *base)
 Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.
template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_circular (T *base)
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_vector_circular (T *base, size_t n)
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_circular (T(&base)[ArrayElems])
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_random_circular (T *base)
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_vector_random_circular (T *base, size_t n)
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_random_circular (T(&base)[ArrayElems])
 Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::cbegin (const T *base, size_t n)
 Returns an iterator for the constant array described by the given address and size.
template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_circular (const T *base)
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_circular (const T *base, size_t n)
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr const_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_circular (const T(&base)[Elems])
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Steps, typename T , typename... Offsets>
constexpr const_pattern_iterator< T, Steps > aie::cbegin_pattern (const T *base, Offsets &&... offsets)
 Similar to begin_pattern, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_random_circular (const T *base)
 Similar to begin_random_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_random_circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_random_circular (const T *base, size_t n)
 Similar to begin_random_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr const_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems > aie::cbegin_random_circular (const T(&base)[Elems])
 Similar to begin_random_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_restrict_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_restrict_vector (const T *base)
 Same as begin_vector, but the given pointer is considered restrict.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_unaligned_vector (T *base)
 Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector (const T *base)
 Same as begin_vector.
template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_circular (const T *base)
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_circular (const T *base, size_t n)
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr const_vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_circular (const T(&base)[ArrayElems])
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_random_circular (const T *base)
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_random_circular (const T *base, size_t n)
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr const_vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_random_circular (const T(&base)[ArrayElems])
 Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::cend (const T *base, size_t n)
 Returns an iterator that points at the end of the constant array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::end (T *base, size_t n)
 Returns an iterator that points at the end of the array described by the given address and size.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , unsigned Elems>
constexpr auto aie::end (T(&base)[Elems])
 Returns an iterator that points at the end of the given statically-sized array.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_floor_bytes_v (const T *ptr, size_t bytes) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, Elems >
 Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_floor_v (const T *ptr, unsigned n=Elems) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, Elems >
 Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_unaligned_v (const T *ptr, unsigned aligned_elems=1) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, Elems >
 Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_unaligned_v (const T *ptr, unsigned aligned_elems=1) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, native_vector_length_v< T > >
 Load a vector whose elements have type T.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_v (const T *ptr) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, Elems >
 Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_v (const T *ptr) -> vector< aie_dm_resource_remove_t< T >, native_vector_length_v< T > >
 Load a vector whose elements have type T.
template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T1, ElemBaseType T2>
requires (std::is_same_v<T2, aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T1>>)
T1 * aie::store_unaligned_v (T1 *ptr, const vector< T2, Elems > &v, unsigned aligned_elems=1)
 Store a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.
template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T1, ElemBaseType T2, unsigned Elems>
requires (std::is_same_v<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T1>, aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T2>>)
T1 * aie::store_v (T1 *ptr, const vector< T2, Elems > &v)
 Store a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.


static constexpr unsigned aie::vector_decl_align = detail::vector_decl_align
 Specifies the minimum alignment requirement for vector loads and stores.
template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems>
static constexpr unsigned aie::vector_ldst_align_v = detail::vector_ldst_align_v<T, Elems>
 Specifies the minimum alignment requirement for vector loads and stores.

Class Documentation

◆ aie::circular_iterator

class aie::circular_iterator
template<typename T, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >

Implements an iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end of the buffer and, thus, has no end.

The interface meets std::forward_iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
SizeSize of the array if it is different than dynamic_extent. Otherwise, the size is not known at compile time.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
using pointer = value_type *
using reference = value_type &
using value_type = T

Public Member Functions

bool operator!= (const circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference different values.
reference operator* ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
circular_iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.
circular_iterator operator++ (int)
 Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.
pointer operator-> ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
bool operator== (const circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::difference_type = ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::pointer = value_type*

◆ reference

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::reference = value_type&

◆ value_type

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::value_type = T

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator!= ( const circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference different values.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator* ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
circular_iterator & aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( )

Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.

Every time the iterator reaches the end, it jumps back to its base position.

a reference to the iterator
See also

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
circular_iterator aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.

a copy of the iterator before the increment operation took place.
See also

◆ operator->()

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
pointer aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator-> ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator== ( const circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

◆ aie::random_circular_iterator

class aie::random_circular_iterator
template<typename T, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >

Implements an iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end or the beginning of the buffer and, thus, has no end.

The interface meets std::random_access_iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
SizeSize of the array if it is different than dynamic_extent. Otherwise, the size is not known at compile time.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag
using pointer = value_type *
using reference = value_type &
using value_type = T

Public Member Functions

bool operator!= (const random_circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference different values.
reference operator* ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
random_circular_iterator operator+ (difference_type off) const
 Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps ahead.
random_circular_iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.
random_circular_iterator operator++ (int)
 Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.
random_circular_iterator operator+= (difference_type off)
 Moves the iterator a number of steps forward.
random_circular_iterator operator- (difference_type off) const
 Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps behind.
random_circular_iterator operator-= (difference_type off)
 Moves the iterator a number of steps back.
pointer operator-> ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
bool operator== (const random_circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.
reference operator[] (difference_type off)
 Accesses the value a number of steps away from the iterator.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::difference_type = ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::pointer = value_type*

◆ reference

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::reference = value_type&

◆ value_type

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::value_type = T

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator!= ( const random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference different values.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator* ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator+()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
random_circular_iterator aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator+ ( difference_type  off) const

Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps ahead.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
random_circular_iterator & aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( )

Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.

Every time the iterator reaches the end, it jumps back to its base position.

a reference to the iterator
See also

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
random_circular_iterator aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.

a copy of the iterator before the increment operation took place.
See also

◆ operator+=()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
random_circular_iterator aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator+= ( difference_type  off)

Moves the iterator a number of steps forward.

◆ operator-()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
random_circular_iterator aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator- ( difference_type  off) const

Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps behind.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
random_circular_iterator aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator-= ( difference_type  off)

Moves the iterator a number of steps back.

◆ operator->()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
pointer aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator-> ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator== ( const random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::random_circular_iterator< T, Size, Resource >::operator[] ( difference_type  off)

Accesses the value a number of steps away from the iterator.

◆ aie::sparse_vector_input_buffer_stream

class aie::sparse_vector_input_buffer_stream
template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::sparse_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an input stream that reads sparse vectors from a memory buffer.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the sparse vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when reading from the buffer.

◆ aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream

class aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream
template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an input stream that reads from a memory buffer with vector granularity.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when reading from the buffer.

Public Types

using vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr unaligned_vector_input_buffer_streamoperator>> (vector_type &v)
 Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.
constexpr vector_type pop ()
 Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ vector_type

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator>>()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream & aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::operator>> ( vector_type v)

Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.

See also

◆ pop()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr vector_type aie::unaligned_vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::pop ( )

Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.

◆ aie::unaligned_vector_iterator

class aie::unaligned_vector_iterator
template<typename T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an iterator that traverses an array using vectors instead of scalar values.

The interface meets random access iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag
using pointer = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const value_type *, value_type * >
using reference = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const value_type &, value_type & >
using value_type = vector_type

Public Member Functions

bool operator!= (const unaligned_vector_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference different values.
vector_ref_type operator* ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
unaligned_vector_iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.
unaligned_vector_iterator operator++ (int)
 Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.
pointer operator-> ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
bool operator== (const unaligned_vector_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::difference_type = ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::pointer = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const value_type *, value_type *>

◆ reference

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::reference = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const value_type &, value_type &>

◆ value_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::value_type = vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator!= ( const unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference different values.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_ref_type aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator* ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
unaligned_vector_iterator & aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator++ ( )

Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.

a reference to the iterator
See also

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
unaligned_vector_iterator aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.

a copy of the iterator before the increment operation took place.
See also

◆ operator->()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
pointer aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator-> ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator== ( const unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

◆ aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream

class aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream
template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an output stream that writes into a memory buffer with vector granularity.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when reading from the buffer.

Public Types

using vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr unaligned_vector_output_buffer_streamoperator<< (const vector_type &v)
 Writes the value to the buffer stream.
constexpr void push (const vector_type &v)
 Writes the value to the buffer stream.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ vector_type

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream & aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::operator<< ( const vector_type v)

Writes the value to the buffer stream.

See also

◆ push()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr void aie::unaligned_vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::push ( const vector_type v)

Writes the value to the buffer stream.

◆ aie::vector_circular_iterator

class aie::vector_circular_iterator
template<typename T, unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >

Implements a vector iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end of the buffer and, thus, has no end.

The interface meets std::forward_iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector returned when dereferencing the iterator.
SizeSize of the array if it is different than dynamic_extent. Otherwise, the size is not known at compile time.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
using pointer = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const vector_type *, vector_type * >
using reference = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const vector_type &, vector_type & >
using value_type = vector_type

Public Member Functions

bool operator!= (const vector_circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference different values.
reference operator* ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
vector_circular_iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.
vector_circular_iterator operator++ (int)
 Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.
pointer operator-> ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
bool operator== (const vector_circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::difference_type = ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::pointer = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const vector_type *, vector_type *>

◆ reference

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::reference = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const vector_type &, vector_type &>

◆ value_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::value_type = vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator!= ( const vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference different values.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator* ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_circular_iterator & aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( )

Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.

Every time the iterator reaches the end, it jumps back to its base position.

a reference to the iterator
See also

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_circular_iterator aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.

a copy of the iterator before the increment operation took place.
See also

◆ operator->()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
pointer aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator-> ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator== ( const vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

◆ aie::vector_input_buffer_stream

class aie::vector_input_buffer_stream
template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an input stream that reads from a memory buffer with vector granularity.

The buffer being traversed needs to meet the alignment requirements to load vectors.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when reading from the buffer.

Public Types

using vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr vector_input_buffer_streamoperator>> (vector_type &v)
 Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.
constexpr vector_type pop ()
 Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ vector_type

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator>>()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr vector_input_buffer_stream & aie::vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::operator>> ( vector_type v)

Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.

See also

◆ pop()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr vector_type aie::vector_input_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::pop ( )

Returns the value from the buffer stream and increments the stream state.

◆ aie::vector_iterator

class aie::vector_iterator
template<typename T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an iterator that traverses an array using vectors instead of scalar values.

The buffer being traversed needs to meet the alignment requirements to load/store vectors.

The interface meets random access iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag
using pointer = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const value_type *, value_type * >
using reference = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const value_type &, value_type & >
using value_type = vector_type

Public Member Functions

bool operator!= (const vector_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference different values.
reference operator* ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
vector_iterator operator+ (difference_type off) const
 Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps ahead.
vector_iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.
vector_iterator operator++ (int)
 Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.
vector_iterator operator+= (difference_type off)
 Moves the iterator a number of steps forward.
vector_iterator operator- (difference_type off) const
 Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps behind.
vector_iterator operator-= (difference_type off)
 Moves the iterator a number of steps back.
pointer operator-> ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
bool operator== (const vector_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.
reference operator[] (difference_type off)
 Accesses the value a number of steps away from the iterator.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::difference_type = ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::pointer = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const value_type *, value_type *>

◆ reference

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::reference = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const value_type &, value_type &>

◆ value_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::value_type = vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator!= ( const vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference different values.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator* ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator+()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_iterator aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator+ ( difference_type  off) const

Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps ahead.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_iterator & aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator++ ( )

Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.

a reference to the iterator
See also

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_iterator aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.

a copy of the iterator before the increment operation took place.
See also

◆ operator+=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_iterator aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator+= ( difference_type  off)

Moves the iterator a number of steps forward.

◆ operator-()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_iterator aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator- ( difference_type  off) const

Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps behind.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_iterator aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator-= ( difference_type  off)

Moves the iterator a number of steps back.

◆ operator->()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
pointer aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator-> ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator== ( const vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource >::operator[] ( difference_type  off)

Accesses the value a number of steps away from the iterator.

◆ aie::vector_output_buffer_stream

class aie::vector_output_buffer_stream
template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >

Implements an output stream that writes into a memory buffer with vector granularity.

The buffer being traversed needs to meet the alignment requirements to store vectors.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when reading from the buffer.

Public Types

using vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr vector_output_buffer_streamoperator<< (const vector_type &v)
 Writes the value to the buffer stream.
constexpr void push (const vector_type &v)
 Writes the value to the buffer stream.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ vector_type

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::vector_type = typename base_type::vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr vector_output_buffer_stream & aie::vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::operator<< ( const vector_type v)

Writes the value to the buffer stream.

See also

◆ push()

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
constexpr void aie::vector_output_buffer_stream< T, Elems, Resource >::push ( const vector_type v)

Writes the value to the buffer stream.

◆ aie::vector_random_circular_iterator

class aie::vector_random_circular_iterator
template<typename T, unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
class aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >

Implements a vector iterator that wraps around when it reaches the end or the beginning of the buffer and, thus, has no end.

The interface meets random access iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the array.
ElemsSize of the vector returned when dereferencing the iterator.
SizeSize of the array if it is different than dynamic_extent. Otherwise, the size is not known at compile time.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.

Public Types

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
using pointer = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const value_type *, value_type * >
using reference = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v< T >, const value_type &, value_type & >
using value_type = vector_type

Public Member Functions

bool operator!= (const vector_random_circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference different values.
reference operator* ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
vector_random_circular_iterator operator+ (difference_type off) const
 Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps ahead.
vector_random_circular_iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.
vector_random_circular_iterator operator++ (int)
 Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.
vector_random_circular_iterator operator+= (difference_type off)
 Moves the iterator a number of steps forward.
vector_random_circular_iterator operator- (difference_type off) const
 Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps behind.
vector_random_circular_iterator operator-= (difference_type off)
 Moves the iterator a number of steps back.
pointer operator-> ()
 Accesses the value in the iterator.
bool operator== (const vector_random_circular_iterator &other) const
 Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.
reference operator[] (difference_type off)
 Accesses the value a number of steps away from the iterator.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::difference_type = ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::pointer = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const value_type *, value_type *>

◆ reference

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::reference = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const value_type &, value_type &>

◆ value_type

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::value_type = vector_type

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator!= ( const vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference different values.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator* ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator+()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_random_circular_iterator aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator+ ( difference_type  off) const

Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps ahead.

◆ operator++() [1/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_random_circular_iterator & aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( )

Pre-fix increment: advances the iterator one step.

Every time the iterator reaches the end, it jumps back to its base position.

a reference to the iterator
See also

◆ operator++() [2/2]

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_random_circular_iterator aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-fix increment: advances the iterator one step and returns a copy of its old state.

a copy of the iterator before the increment operation took place.
See also

◆ operator+=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_random_circular_iterator aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator+= ( difference_type  off)

Moves the iterator a number of steps forward.

◆ operator-()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_random_circular_iterator aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator- ( difference_type  off) const

Returns a copy of the iterator that is located a number of steps behind.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
vector_random_circular_iterator aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator-= ( difference_type  off)

Moves the iterator a number of steps back.

◆ operator->()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
pointer aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator-> ( )

Accesses the value in the iterator.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
bool aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator== ( const vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource > &  other) const

Return true if the two iterators reference the same value.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
reference aie::vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Size, Resource >::operator[] ( difference_type  off)

Accesses the value a number of steps away from the iterator.

Typedef Documentation

◆ const_circular_iterator

template<typename T , size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_circular_iterator = typedef circular_iterator<const T, Size, Resource>

Same as circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.

◆ const_random_circular_iterator

template<typename T , size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_random_circular_iterator = typedef random_circular_iterator<const T, Size, Resource>

Same as random_circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.

◆ const_unaligned_vector_iterator

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_unaligned_vector_iterator = typedef unaligned_vector_iterator<const std::remove_const_t<T>, Elems, Resource>

Same as unaligned_vector_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.

◆ const_vector_circular_iterator

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size = dynamic_extent, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_vector_circular_iterator = typedef vector_circular_iterator<const T, Elems, Size, Resource>

Same as circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.

◆ const_vector_iterator

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_vector_iterator = typedef vector_iterator<const std::remove_const_t<T>, Elems, Resource>

Same as vector_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.

◆ const_vector_random_circular_iterator

template<typename T , unsigned Elems, size_t Size, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none>
using aie::const_vector_random_circular_iterator = typedef vector_random_circular_iterator<const T, Elems, Size, Resource>

Same as vector_random_circular_iterator, but the contents of the iterated array cannot be modified.

Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::begin ( T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns an iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , unsigned Elems>
constexpr auto aie::begin ( T(&)  base[Elems])

Returns an iterator for the given statically-sized array.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ begin_circular() [1/3]

template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_circular ( T *  base)

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_circular() [2/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_circular ( T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ begin_circular() [3/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_circular ( T(&)  base[Elems])

Returns a circular iterator for the given statically-sized array.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ begin_pattern()

template<unsigned Steps, typename T , typename... Offsets>
constexpr auto aie::begin_pattern ( T *  base,
Offsets &&...  offsets 

Returns a forward iterator for the array described by the given address.

On increment, the iterator is advanced by the number of elements described in the offset argument. While the pattern iterator is a forward iterator, the offsets are described by a circular iterator. For example:

std::array<int, 16> arr;
std::iota(arr.begin(), arr.end(), 0);
auto it = aie::begin_pattern<4>(, 2, -1, 2, 1);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i)
printf("%d ", *it++);

will output

0 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15
baseStarting address for the iterator.
offsetsA parameter pack describing the stride of the iterator at each increment.

◆ begin_random_circular() [1/3]

template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_random_circular ( T *  base)

Returns a random-access circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_random_circular() [2/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr random_circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_random_circular ( T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns a random-access circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ begin_random_circular() [3/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_random_circular ( T(&)  base[Elems])

Returns a random-access circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ begin_restrict_vector() [1/2]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_restrict_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_restrict_vector ( const T *  base)

Same as begin_vector, but the given pointer is considered restrict.

The returned iterator is const.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_restrict_vector() [2/2]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr restrict_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_restrict_vector ( T *  base)

Same as begin_vector, but the given pointer is considered restrict.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_unaligned_vector()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_unaligned_vector ( T *  base)

Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.

Elements in the vector will have the same type of the pointer parameter, and the size of the vector is specified via a template argument.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_vector() [1/2]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_vector ( const T *  base)

Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.

Elements in the vector will have the same type of the pointer parameter, and the size of the vector is specified via a template argument. The pointer is assumed to meet the alignment requirements for a vector load of this size.

The returned iterator is const.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_vector() [2/2]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::begin_vector ( T *  base)

Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.

Elements in the vector will have the same type of the pointer parameter, and the size of the vector is specified via a template argument. The pointer is assumed to meet the alignment requirements for a vector load of this size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_vector_circular() [1/3]

template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_circular ( T *  base)

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ArrayElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_vector_circular() [2/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_vector_circular ( T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ begin_vector_circular() [3/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_circular ( T(&)  base[ArrayElems])

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ begin_vector_random_circular() [1/3]

template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_random_circular ( T *  base)

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ArrayElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ begin_vector_random_circular() [2/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::begin_vector_random_circular ( T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ begin_vector_random_circular() [3/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::begin_vector_random_circular ( T(&)  base[ArrayElems])

Returns a circular iterator for the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ cbegin()

template<aie_dm_resource Resource, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::cbegin ( const T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns an iterator for the constant array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ cbegin_circular() [1/3]

template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_circular ( const T *  base)

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_circular() [2/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_circular ( const T *  base,
size_t  n 

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ cbegin_circular() [3/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr const_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_circular ( const T(&)  base[Elems])

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ cbegin_pattern()

template<unsigned Steps, typename T , typename... Offsets>
constexpr const_pattern_iterator< T, Steps > aie::cbegin_pattern ( const T *  base,
Offsets &&...  offsets 

Similar to begin_pattern, but the returned iterator is constant.

baseStarting address for the iterator.
offsetsA parameter pack describing the stride of the iterator at each increment.
See also

◆ cbegin_random_circular() [1/3]

template<size_t Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_random_circular ( const T *  base)

Similar to begin_random_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_random_circular() [2/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_random_circular_iterator< T, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_random_circular ( const T *  base,
size_t  n 

Similar to begin_random_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ cbegin_random_circular() [3/3]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t Elems>
constexpr const_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems > aie::cbegin_random_circular ( const T(&)  base[Elems])

Similar to begin_random_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ cbegin_restrict_vector()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_restrict_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_restrict_vector ( const T *  base)

Same as begin_vector, but the given pointer is considered restrict.

The returned iterator is const.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_unaligned_vector()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_unaligned_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_unaligned_vector ( T *  base)

Returns a vector iterator starting at the given address.

Elements in the vector will have the same type of the pointer parameter, and the size of the vector is specified via a template argument.

The returned iterator is const.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_vector()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
constexpr const_vector_iterator< T, Elems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector ( const T *  base)

Same as begin_vector.

The returned iterator is const.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_vector_circular() [1/3]

template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_circular ( const T *  base)

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ArrayElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_vector_circular() [2/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_circular ( const T *  base,
size_t  n 

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ cbegin_vector_circular() [3/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr const_vector_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_circular ( const T(&)  base[ArrayElems])

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ cbegin_vector_random_circular() [1/3]

template<unsigned Elems, size_t ArrayElems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_random_circular ( const T *  base)

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ArrayElemsNumber of elements in the array.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.

◆ cbegin_vector_random_circular() [2/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr const_vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, dynamic_extent, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_random_circular ( const T *  base,
size_t  n 

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ cbegin_vector_random_circular() [3/3]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , size_t ArrayElems>
constexpr const_vector_random_circular_iterator< T, Elems, ArrayElems, Resource > aie::cbegin_vector_random_circular ( const T(&)  base[ArrayElems])

Similar to begin_circular, but the returned iterator is constant.

Template Parameters
ElemsNumber of elements in the vectors returned by the iterator.
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ cend()

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::cend ( const T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns an iterator that points at the end of the constant array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T >
constexpr auto aie::end ( T *  base,
size_t  n 

Returns an iterator that points at the end of the array described by the given address and size.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStarting address for the iterator.
nNumber of elements in the array.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, typename T , unsigned Elems>
constexpr auto aie::end ( T(&)  base[Elems])

Returns an iterator that points at the end of the given statically-sized array.

Template Parameters
ResourceData Memory resource to be used for the access when dereferencing the iterator.
baseStatically-sized array.

◆ load_floor_bytes_v()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_floor_bytes_v ( const T *  ptr,
size_t  bytes 
) -> vector<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T>, Elems>

Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.

The pointer will be aligned to bytes.

Template Parameters
ElemsSize of the vector to be read from memory
ptrAddress data is read from
bytesNumbers of bytes to which the input pointer is aligned. Must be a power of two.

◆ load_floor_v()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_floor_v ( const T *  ptr,
unsigned  n = Elems 
) -> vector<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T>, Elems>

Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.

The pointer will be aligned to n * sizeof(T).

Template Parameters
ElemsSize of the vector to be read from memory
ptrAddress data is read from
nNumbers of elements of type T to which the input pointer is aligned. Must be a power of two.

◆ load_unaligned_v() [1/2]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_unaligned_v ( const T *  ptr,
unsigned  aligned_elems = 1 
) -> vector<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T>, Elems>

Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.

The pointer is assumed to be aligned to T.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
out[i] = ptr[i];
Template Parameters
ElemsSize of the vector to be read from memory
ptrAddress data is read from
aligned_elemsNumber of elements the pointer is aligned to. If unspecified, the default value is 1.

◆ load_unaligned_v() [2/2]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_unaligned_v ( const T *  ptr,
unsigned  aligned_elems = 1 
) -> vector<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T>, native_vector_length_v<T>>

Load a vector whose elements have type T.

The size is automatically chosen with the optimal size for the current architecture. The pointer is assumed to be aligned to T.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
out[i] = ptr[i];
ptrAddress data is read from
aligned_elemsNumber of elements the pointer is aligned to. If unspecified, the default value is 1.

◆ load_v() [1/2]

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_v ( const T *  ptr) -> vector<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T>, Elems>

Load a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.

The pointer is assumed to meet the alignment requirements for a vector load of this size.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
out[i] = ptr[i];
Template Parameters
ElemsSize of the vector to be read from memory
ptrAddress data is read from

◆ load_v() [2/2]

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T>
auto aie::load_v ( const T *  ptr) -> vector<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T>, native_vector_length_v<T>>

Load a vector whose elements have type T.

The size is automatically chosen with the optimal size for the current architecture. The pointer is assumed to meet the alignment requirements for a vector load of this size.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
out[i] = ptr[i];
ptrAddress data is read from

◆ store_unaligned_v()

template<unsigned Elems, aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T1, ElemBaseType T2>
requires (std::is_same_v<T2, aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T1>>)
T1 * aie::store_unaligned_v ( T1 *  ptr,
const vector< T2, Elems > &  v,
unsigned  aligned_elems = 1 

Store a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.

The pointer is assumed to be aligned to T.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
ptr[i] = v[i];
ptrAddress data is written to
vVector to be written to memory
aligned_elemsNumber of elements the pointer is aligned to. If unspecified, the default value is 1.

◆ store_v()

template<aie_dm_resource Resource = aie_dm_resource::none, DecoratedElemBaseType T1, ElemBaseType T2, unsigned Elems>
requires (std::is_same_v<aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T1>, aie_dm_resource_remove_t<T2>>)
T1 * aie::store_v ( T1 *  ptr,
const vector< T2, Elems > &  v 

Store a vector of Elems size whose elements have type T.

The pointer is assumed to meet the alignment requirements for a vector store of this size.

for (unsigned i = 0; i < Elems; ++i)
ptr[i] = v[i];
ptrAddress data is written to
vVector to be written to memory

Variable Documentation

◆ vector_decl_align

constexpr unsigned aie::vector_decl_align = detail::vector_decl_align

Specifies the minimum alignment requirement for vector loads and stores.


alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) int32 data[8];
v = aie::load_v<8>(data);;
void store(T2 *ptr) const
Writes the contents of the vector into the given memory address.
Definition vector.hpp:560
int32_t int32
Definition types.hpp:22
See also
aie::vector<T, Elems>::load

◆ vector_ldst_align_v

template<DecoratedElemBaseType T, unsigned Elems>
constexpr unsigned aie::vector_ldst_align_v = detail::vector_ldst_align_v<T, Elems>

Specifies the minimum alignment requirement for vector loads and stores.

See also
aie::vector<T, Elems>::load