AI Engine API User Guide (AIE-API) 2024.2
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operators.hpp File Reference

Detailed Description

Operator overloading for AIE API types, currently expects "using namespace aie::operators" in the user code to make use of them directly.


namespace  aie
 Base namespace for AIE operations and types.
namespace  aie::operators




template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator!= (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Not equal to comparison operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator& (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Bitwise AND operation.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator+ (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Addition operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr T1 & aie::operators::operator+= (T1 &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
 Addition assignment operator.
template<ArithmeticType T>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator- (const T &a)
 Negation operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator- (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Subtraction operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr T1 & aie::operators::operator-= (T1 &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
 Subtraction assignment operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator< (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Less than comparison operator.
template<Vector Vec>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator<< (const Vec &a, unsigned shift)
 Bitwise left shift operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator<= (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Less than or equal comparison operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator== (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Equal to comparison operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator> (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Greater than comparison operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator>= (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Greater than or equal comparison operator.
template<Vector Vec>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator>> (const Vec &a, unsigned shift)
 Bitwise right shift operator.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator^ (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Bitwise XOR operation.
template<ArithmeticType T1, ArithmeticType T2>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator| (const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
 Bitwise OR operation.
template<ArithmeticType T>
constexpr auto aie::operators::operator~ (const T &a)
 Bitwise NOT operation.

Macro Definition Documentation