template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
constexpr output_cascade< T > & | operator<< (output_cascade< T > &w, const aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Writes an accumulator into the output cascade stream.
template<aie::ElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
constexpr output_cascade< T > & | operator<< (output_cascade< T > &w, const aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Writes a vector into the output cascade stream.
template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
constexpr output_cascade< T > * | operator<< (output_cascade< T > *w, const aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Writes an accumulator into the output cascade stream.
template<aie::ElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
constexpr output_cascade< T > * | operator<< (output_cascade< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Writes a vector into the output cascade stream.
template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
constexpr output_stream< T > & | operator<< (output_stream< T > &w, const aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Writes an accumulator into the output cascade stream.
template<typename T , unsigned N> |
constexpr output_stream< T > & | operator<< (output_stream< T > &w, const aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Writes a vector into the output AXI stream.
template<typename T > |
constexpr output_stream< T > & | operator<< (output_stream< T > &w, const T &v) |
| Writes a value into the output AXI stream.
template<typename T , aie::TLast< T > TL> |
constexpr output_stream< T > & | operator<< (output_stream< T > &w, const TL &tl) |
| Writes a value or vector into the output AXI stream.
template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
constexpr output_stream< T > * | operator<< (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Writes an accumulator into the output cascade stream.
template<typename T , unsigned N> |
constexpr output_stream< T > * | operator<< (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Writes a vector into the output AXI stream.
template<typename T > |
constexpr output_stream< T > & | operator<< (output_stream< T > *w, const T &v) |
| Writes a value into the output AXI stream.
template<typename T , aie::TLast< T > TL> |
constexpr output_stream< T > * | operator<< (output_stream< T > *w, const TL &tl) |
| Writes a value into the output AXI stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::AccumElemBaseType T> |
constexpr input_cascade< T > & | operator>> (input_cascade< T > &w, aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Reads an accumulator from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::ElemBaseType T> |
constexpr input_cascade< T > & | operator>> (input_cascade< T > &w, aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Reads a vector from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::AccumElemBaseType T> |
constexpr input_cascade< T > * | operator>> (input_cascade< T > *w, aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Reads an accumulator from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::ElemBaseType T> |
constexpr input_cascade< T > * | operator>> (input_cascade< T > *w, aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Reads a vector from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::AccumElemBaseType T> |
constexpr input_stream< T > & | operator>> (input_stream< T > &w, aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Reads an accumulator from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, typename T > |
constexpr input_stream< T > & | operator>> (input_stream< T > &w, aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Reads a vector from the input AXI stream.
template<typename T , aie::TLast< T > TL> |
constexpr input_stream< T > & | operator>> (input_stream< T > &w, const TL &tl) |
| Reads a value or vector from the input AXI stream.
template<typename T > |
constexpr input_stream< T > & | operator>> (input_stream< T > &w, T &v) |
| Reads a value from the input AXI stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::AccumElemBaseType T> |
constexpr input_stream< T > * | operator>> (input_stream< T > *w, aie::accum< T, N > &acc) |
| Reads an accumulator from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, typename T > |
constexpr input_stream< T > * | operator>> (input_stream< T > *w, aie::vector< T, N > &v) |
| Reads a vector from the input AXI stream.
template<typename T , aie::TLast< T > TL> |
constexpr input_stream< T > * | operator>> (input_stream< T > *w, const TL &tl) |
| Reads a value or vector from the input AXI stream.
template<typename T > |
constexpr input_stream< T > & | operator>> (input_stream< T > *w, T &v) |
| Reads a value from the input AXI stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::ElemBaseType T> |
aie::vector< T, N > | readincr_v (input_cascade< T > *w) |
| Reads a vector from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::AccumElemBaseType T> |
aie::accum< T, N > | readincr_v (input_cascade< T > *w) |
| Reads an accumulator from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie_stream_resource_in Resource = aie_stream_resource_in::none, typename T > |
aie::vector< T, N > | readincr_v (input_stream< T > *w) |
| Reads a vector from the input AXI stream.
template<unsigned N, aie::AccumElemBaseType T> |
aie::accum< T, N > | readincr_v (input_stream< T > *w) |
| Reads an accumulator from the input cascade stream.
template<unsigned N, aie_stream_resource_in Resource = aie_stream_resource_in::none, typename T > |
aie::vector< T, N > | readincr_v (input_stream< T > *w, bool &tlast) |
| Reads a vector from the input AXI stream and returns whether TLAST has been asserted.
template<typename T > |
| aie::tlast (const T &, bool) -> tlast< const T &, bool > |
template<typename T > |
| aie::tlast (T &, bool &) -> tlast< T &, bool & > |
template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
void | writeincr (output_cascade< T > *w, const aie::accum< T, N > &value) |
| Writes an accumulator into the output cascade stream.
template<aie::ElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
void | writeincr (output_cascade< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &value) |
| Writes a vector into the output cascade stream.
template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
void | writeincr (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::accum< T, N > &value) |
| Writes an accumulator into the output cascade stream.
template<aie_stream_resource_out Resource = aie_stream_resource_out::none, typename T , unsigned N> |
void | writeincr (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &value) |
| Writes a vector into the output AXI stream.
template<aie_stream_resource_out Resource = aie_stream_resource_out::none, typename T , unsigned N> |
void | writeincr (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &value, bool tlast) |
| Writes a vector into the output AXI stream.
template<aie::AccumElemBaseType T, unsigned N> |
void | writeincr_v (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::accum< T, N > &value) |
template<unsigned N, typename T > |
void | writeincr_v (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &value) |
template<unsigned N, typename T > |
void | writeincr_v (output_stream< T > *w, const aie::vector< T, N > &value, bool tlast) |