template<unsigned N> |
void | aie::print (const aie::mask< N > &m, bool nl=false, const char *prefix=nullptr) |
| Displays the contents of a mask.
template<typename C >
requires (Vector<C> || Accum<C>) |
void | aie::print (const C &c, bool nl=false, const char *prefix=nullptr) |
| Displays the contents of a vector or an accumulator.
template<typename T , unsigned Elems>
requires (!detail::is_floating_point_v<T>) |
void | aie::print_fixed (const aie::vector< T, Elems > &v, int scale, bool nl=false, const char *prefix=nullptr) |
| Displays the contents of a vector integers represented as real numbers in fixed point.
template<typename Matrix >
requires (Vector<Matrix> || Accum<Matrix>) |
void | aie::print_matrix (const Matrix &m, unsigned cols, const char *prefix=nullptr) |
| Displays the contents of a vector or accumulator, arranged in a matrix layout.
template<typename T , T Start, T End, T Step = 1, typename Fn > |
void | aie::unroll_for (Fn &&fn) |
| Invokes a function object as many times as specified by a linear index sequence.
template<typename T , T StartY, T EndY, T StepY, T StartX, T EndX, T StepX, typename Fn > |
void | aie::unroll_for_2d (Fn &&fn) |
| Invokes a function object as many times as defined by a 2D index sequence.
template<unsigned Times, typename Fn > |
void | aie::unroll_times (Fn &&fn) |
| Invokes a function object a given number of times.
template<unsigned TimesY, unsigned TimesX, typename Fn > |
void | aie::unroll_times_2d (Fn &&fn) |
| Invokes a function object as many times as defined by a 2D index sequence.