AI Engine API User Guide (AIE-API) 2024.2
No Matches
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)


Stage-based FFT APIs

The AIE API offers a stage-based interface for carrying out decimation-in-time FFTs. For example, assuming twiddle pointer visibility (see Twiddle Generation below), a 1024 point FFT can be computed as follows:

void fft_1024pt(const cint16 * __restrict x, // Input pointer
unsigned shift_tw, // Indicates the decimal point of the twiddles
// e.g. The twiddle 1.0+0.0i can be represented with cint16(32767, 0) and a shift_tw of 15
unsigned shift, // Shift applied to apply to dit outputs
bool inv, // Run inverse FFT
cint16 * __restrict tmp, // Scratch space for intermediate results
cint16 * __restrict y // Output pointer
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<512>(x, tw1, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<256>(tmp, tw2, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<128>(y, tw4, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<64> (tmp, tw8, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<32> (y, tw16, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<16> (tmp, tw32, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<8> (y, tw64, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<4> (tmp, tw128, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<2> (y, tw256, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<1> (tmp, tw512, 1024, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);

Similarly, a 512 point FFT can be implemented, using a mix of radix-2 and radix-4 stages, as follows:

void fft_512pt(const cint16 * __restrict x, // Input pointer
unsigned shift_tw, // Indicates the decimal point of the twiddles
// e.g. The twiddle 1.0+0.0i can be represented with cint16(32767, 0) and a shift_tw of 15
unsigned shift, // Shift applied to apply to dit outputs
bool inv, // Run inverse FFT
cint16 * __restrict tmp, // Scratch space for intermediate results
cint16 * __restrict y // Output pointer
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<256>(x, tw1, 512, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<64> (y, tw2, tw4, tw2_4, 512, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<16> (tmp, tw8, tw16, tw8_16, 512, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<4> (y, tw32, tw64, tw32_64, 512, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<1> (tmp, tw128, tw256, tw128_256, 512, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
For an odd number of stages the input buffer may be used in place of the tmp, which could be of benefit for large FFTs.
The order of the twiddle arguments are outlined in the description of each FFT stage function: aie::fft_dit_r2_stage, aie::fft_dit_r3_stage, aie::fft_dit_r4_stage, aie::fft_dit_r5_stage

Twiddle Generation

An R-Radix, N-point FFT requires R-1 twiddle tables per stage.

Each of the tables are of length (n_stage / R), where n_stage is the local number of samples of the current radix stage. The local number of samples is given as the total point size, N, divided by the Vectorization, which is the template parameter of the fft_dit_r*_stage function calls. This is due to the fact that earlier stages of an N-point FFT are smaller, batched FFTs.

For each stage, the twiddle tables can be computed, in floating point, as:

int n_stage = N / Vectorization;
int n_tws = n_stage / Radix;
for (unsigned r = 1; r < Radix; ++r) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_tws; ++i) {
tw[r-1][i] = exp(-2j * pi * r * i / n);

and the equivalent python code:

import numpy as np
def tw(n, radix, vec):
n_stage = n / vec
points = n_stage / radix
return np.exp(-2j * np.pi * np.arange(1, radix).reshape(-1,1) * np.arange(0, points) / n_stage)

For fixed point implementations, the twiddle values should be multiplied by (1 << shift_tw) before converting to the output type. For example,

template <typename TR, typename T>
TR convert_twiddle_to_fixed_point(T val, unsigned shift_tw) {
return aie::to_fixed<TR>(val * (1 << shift_tw));
// Required to prevent overflow on conversions
unsigned shift_tw = 15;
cfloat tw = cfloat(1.0f, 0.0f);
cint16 tw_fixed = convert_twiddle_to_fixed_point<cint16>(tw, shift_tw);
// tw_fixed = 32767 + 0j
@ positive_inf
Round to nearest integer, with preference to positive infinity at half-way.
static void set_rounding(rounding_mode m)
Set the rounding mode used in accumulator to vector conversions.
Definition aie.hpp:7647
@ saturate
Retain maximum/minimum value on positive/negative overflow. Limits depend on type bit-width and if it...
static void set_saturation(saturation_mode m)
Set the saturation mode.
Definition aie.hpp:7612

Full FFT Example

Using the method of generating twiddles outlined in Twiddle Generation, a 128pt FFT can be computed as follows:

Note the order of the twiddles to the radix 4 stages are not in increasing order; i.e. defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are w(tw1) < w(tw0) < w(tw2). This is not the case for other radix stages, where the rotation rate is monotonically increasing; i.e. w(tw1) < ... < w(twN).
constexpr unsigned n = 128;
constexpr unsigned shift_tw = 15;
constexpr unsigned shift = 15;
constexpr bool inv = false;
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint32 x[n];
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint32 tmp[n];
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint32 y[n];
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw1 [] = {{ 32767, 0}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw2 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 0, -32768}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw4 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 23170, -23170}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw2_4 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, {-23170, -23170}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw8 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 30273, -12539}, { 23170, -23170}, { 12539, -30273},
{ 0, -32768}, {-12539, -30273}, {-23170, -23170}, {-30273, -12539}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw16 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 32138, -6392}, { 30273, -12539}, { 27245, -18204},
{ 23170, -23170}, { 18204, -27245}, { 12539, -30273}, { 6392, -32138}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw8_16 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 27245, -18204}, { 12539, -30273}, { -6392, -32138},
{-23170, -23170}, {-32138, -6392}, {-30273, 12539}, {-18204, 27245}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw32 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 32610, -3211}, { 32138, -6392}, { 31357, -9512},
{ 30273, -12539}, { 28898, -15446}, { 27245, -18204}, { 25330, -20787},
{ 23170, -23170}, { 20787, -25330}, { 18204, -27245}, { 15446, -28898},
{ 12539, -30273}, { 9512, -31357}, { 6392, -32138}, { 3211, -32610},
{ 0, -32768}, { -3211, -32610}, { -6392, -32138}, { -9512, -31357},
{-12539, -30273}, {-15446, -28898}, {-18204, -27245}, {-20787, -25330},
{-23170, -23170}, {-25330, -20787}, {-27245, -18204}, {-28898, -15446},
{-30273, -12539}, {-31357, -9512}, {-32138, -6392}, {-32610, -3211}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw64 [] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 32728, -1607}, { 32610, -3211}, { 32413, -4808},
{ 32138, -6392}, { 31785, -7961}, { 31357, -9512}, { 30852, -11039},
{ 30273, -12539}, { 29621, -14010}, { 28898, -15446}, { 28106, -16846},
{ 27245, -18204}, { 26319, -19519}, { 25330, -20787}, { 24279, -22005},
{ 23170, -23170}, { 22005, -24279}, { 20787, -25330}, { 19519, -26319},
{ 18204, -27245}, { 16846, -28106}, { 15446, -28898}, { 14010, -29621},
{ 12539, -30273}, { 11039, -30852}, { 9512, -31357}, { 7961, -31785},
{ 6392, -32138}, { 4808, -32413}, { 3211, -32610}, { 1607, -32728}};
alignas(aie::vector_decl_align) static cint16 tw32_64[] = {{ 32767, 0}, { 32413, -4808}, { 31357, -9512}, { 29621, -14010},
{ 27245, -18204}, { 24279, -22005}, { 20787, -25330}, { 16846, -28106},
{ 12539, -30273}, { 7961, -31785}, { 3211, -32610}, { -1607, -32728},
{ -6392, -32138}, {-11039, -30852}, {-15446, -28898}, {-19519, -26319},
{-23170, -23170}, {-26319, -19519}, {-28898, -15446}, {-30852, -11039},
{-32138, -6392}, {-32728, -1607}, {-32610, 3211}, {-31785, 7961},
{-30273, 12539}, {-28106, 16846}, {-25330, 20787}, {-22005, 24279},
{-18204, 27245}, {-14010, 29621}, { -9512, 31357}, { -4808, 32413}};
// Constant value input
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
x[i] = cint32(1, 0);
aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<64>(x, tw1, n, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<16>(tmp, tw2, tw4, tw2_4, n, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<4> (y, tw8, tw16, tw8_16, n, shift_tw, shift, inv, tmp);
aie::fft_dit_r4_stage<1> (tmp, tw32, tw64, tw32_64, n, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
printf("{%d, %d} ", y[i].real, y[i].imag);
// Will print:
// {128, 0} {0, 0} {0, 0} ... {0, 0}
static constexpr unsigned vector_decl_align
Specifies the minimum alignment requirement for vector loads and stores.
Definition aie.hpp:556


template<unsigned Vectorization, unsigned Radix, typename Input , typename Output = Input, typename Twiddle = detail::default_twiddle_type_t<Input, Output>>
using aie::fft_dit = detail::fft_dit< Vectorization, detail::fft_get_stage< Input, Output, Twiddle >(Radix, Vectorization), Radix, Input, Output, Twiddle >
 Type that encapsulates the functionality for decimation-in-time FFTs.


template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE, arch::AIE_ML) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw, unsigned n, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single floating point radix 2 FFT stage.
template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::Gen1, arch::Gen2))
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw, unsigned n, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single radix 2 FFT stage.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single floating point radix 2 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single radix 2 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.
template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, unsigned n, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single floating point radix 3 FFT stage.
template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE, arch::AIE_ML))
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, unsigned n, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single radix 3 FFT stage.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single floating point radix 3 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single radix 3 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.
template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::Gen1, arch::Gen2))
void aie::fft_dit_r4_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, const Twiddle *__restrict tw2, unsigned n, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single radix 4 FFT stage.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r4_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, const Twiddle *__restrict tw2, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single radix 4 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.
template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, const Twiddle *__restrict tw2, const Twiddle *__restrict tw3, unsigned n, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single floating point radix 5 FFT stage.
template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE, arch::AIE_ML))
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, const Twiddle *__restrict tw2, const Twiddle *__restrict tw3, unsigned n, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *out)
 A function to perform a single radix 5 FFT stage.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, const Twiddle *__restrict tw2, const Twiddle *__restrict tw3, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, bool inv, Output *__restrict out)
 A function to perform a single floating point radix 5 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.
template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage (const Input *__restrict x, const Twiddle *__restrict tw0, const Twiddle *__restrict tw1, const Twiddle *__restrict tw2, const Twiddle *__restrict tw3, unsigned n, unsigned vectorization, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv, Output *out)
 A function to perform a single radix 5 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

Supported Fast Fourier Transform Modes

Supported FFT/IFFT Modes
Input Type Output Type Twiddle Type AIE Supported Radices AIE-ML/XDNA 1 Supported Radices
c16b c16b c16b 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 3, 4, 5
c16b c32b c16b 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 3, 4, 5
c32b c16b c16b 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 3, 4, 5
c32b c32b c16b 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 3, 4, 5
c16b c32b c32b 2
c32b c16b c32b 2
c32b c32b c32b 2, 3, 4, 5
cbfloat16 cbfloat16 cbfloat16 2, 4
cfloat cfloat cfloat 2, 3, 5
Odd-radix FFT stages are only available for vectorization values greater than or equal to the underlying output vector sizes.
Underlying output vector sizes
Input Type Output Type Twiddle Type AIE Output Vector Size AIE-ML/XDNA 1 Output Vector Size
c16b c16b c16b 4 (8 for radix 2) 8
c16b c32b c16b 4 (8 for radix 2) 8
c32b c16b c16b 4 8
c32b c32b c16b 4 8
c16b c32b c32b 4
c32b c16b c32b 4
c32b c32b c32b 2
cbfloat16 cbfloat16 cbfloat16 8
cfloat cfloat cfloat 4
The minimum point size supported by an FFT is given by the product of the radix with the underlying output vector size. This is due to the fact that a radix R FFT will use R output pointers, each writing an amount of data equal to the underlying output vector size. For example, a radix 4 FFT with cint16 input data, cint32 output data, and cint16 twiddles will have a minimum point size of 16 (4 * 4) on AIE while the minimum point size on AIE-ML/XDNA 1 will be 32 (4 * 8).

Typedef Documentation

◆ fft_dit

template<unsigned Vectorization, unsigned Radix, typename Input , typename Output = Input, typename Twiddle = detail::default_twiddle_type_t<Input, Output>>
using aie::fft_dit = typedef detail::fft_dit<Vectorization, detail::fft_get_stage<Input, Output, Twiddle>(Radix, Vectorization), Radix, Input, Output, Twiddle>

Type that encapsulates the functionality for decimation-in-time FFTs.

The iterator interface is deprecated and the stage-based interface should be preferred. For example, where a user would previously need to define an FFT stage as follows:
template <unsigned Vectorization>
void radix2_dit(const cint32 * __restrict x,
const cint16 * __restrict tw,
unsigned n, unsigned shift_tw, unsigned shift, bool inv,
cint32 * __restrict y)
FFT fft;
auto it_stage = fft.begin_stage(x, tw);
auto it_out0 = aie::begin_vector<FFT::out_vector_size>(y);
auto it_out1 = aie::begin_vector<FFT::out_vector_size>(y + n / 2);
for (int j = 0; j < n / (2 * FFT::out_vector_size); ++j)
const auto out = fft.dit(*it_stage++, shift_tw, shift, inv);
*it_out0++ = out[0];
*it_out1++ = out[1];
auto inv(E a)
Definition aie.hpp:6756
detail::fft_dit< Vectorization, detail::fft_get_stage< Input, Output, Twiddle >(Radix, Vectorization), Radix, Input, Output, Twiddle > fft_dit
Type that encapsulates the functionality for decimation-in-time FFTs.
Definition fft.hpp:63

the user may now replace all calls to the user-defined function function with the equivalent defined by the API:

aie::fft_dit_r2_stage<Vectorization>(x, tw, n, shift_tw, shift, inv, y);
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
RadixNumber which selects the FFT radix.
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.
See also
fft_dit_r2_stage, fft_dit_r3_stage, fft_dit_r4_stage, fft_dit_r5_stage

Function Documentation

◆ fft_dit_r2_stage() [1/4]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE, arch::AIE_ML) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw,
unsigned  n,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single floating point radix 2 FFT stage.

xInput data pointer
twTwiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r2_stage() [2/4]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::Gen1, arch::Gen2))
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single radix 2 FFT stage.

xInput data pointer
twTwiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r2_stage() [3/4]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single floating point radix 2 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

xInput data pointer
twTwiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r2_stage() [4/4]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r2_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single radix 2 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

xInput data pointer
twTwiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r3_stage() [1/4]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
unsigned  n,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single floating point radix 3 FFT stage.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r3_stage() [2/4]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE, arch::AIE_ML))
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single radix 3 FFT stage.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r3_stage() [3/4]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single floating point radix 3 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r3_stage() [4/4]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r3_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single radix 3 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r4_stage() [1/2]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::Gen1, arch::Gen2))
void aie::fft_dit_r4_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw2,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single radix 4 FFT stage.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw1) < w(tw0) < w(tw2)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
tw2Third twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r4_stage() [2/2]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r4_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw2,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single radix 4 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw1) < w(tw0) < w(tw2)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
tw2Third twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r5_stage() [1/4]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw2,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw3,
unsigned  n,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single floating point radix 5 FFT stage.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1) < w(tw2) < w(tw3)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
tw2Third twiddle group pointer
tw3Fourth twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r5_stage() [2/4]

template<unsigned Vectorization, typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE, arch::AIE_ML))
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw2,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw3,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *  out 

A function to perform a single radix 5 FFT stage.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1) < w(tw2) < w(tw3)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
tw2Third twiddle group pointer
tw3Fourth twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
VectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r5_stage() [3/4]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE) && detail::is_floating_point_v<Input>)
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw2,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw3,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
bool  inv,
Output *__restrict  out 

A function to perform a single floating point radix 5 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1) < w(tw2) < w(tw3)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
tw2Third twiddle group pointer
tw3Fourth twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.

◆ fft_dit_r5_stage() [4/4]

template<typename Input , typename Output , typename Twiddle >
requires (arch::is(arch::AIE))
void aie::fft_dit_r5_stage ( const Input *__restrict  x,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw0,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw1,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw2,
const Twiddle *__restrict  tw3,
unsigned  n,
unsigned  vectorization,
unsigned  shift_tw,
unsigned  shift,
bool  inv,
Output *  out 

A function to perform a single radix 5 FFT stage with dynamic vectorization.

This will incur additional overhead compared to the static vectorization implementation.

Defining the rotation rate of a given twiddle to be w(tw), the relationship between the twiddle groups are

w(tw0) < w(tw1) < w(tw2) < w(tw3)
xInput data pointer
tw0First twiddle group pointer
tw1Second twiddle group pointer
tw2Third twiddle group pointer
tw3Fourth twiddle group pointer
nNumber of samples
vectorizationVectorization of the FFT stage
shift_twIndicates the decimal point of the twiddles (unused for float types)
shiftShift applied to apply to dit outputs (unused for float types)
invRun inverse FFT stage
outOutput data pointer
Template Parameters
InputType of the input elements.
OutputType of the output elements, defaults to input type.
TwiddleType of the twiddle elements, defaults to cint16 for integral types and cfloat for floating point.